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Coaching Skills


 One person talking with another listening Active Listening — Give your full attention. Focus on the message, not formulating your response to it. Establish and maintain eye contact, paraphrase key points, and avoid making judgments.
 Several question marks Questioning — Ask questions to promote discovery of new knowledge and stimulate thinking. Use open questions that require some thought to complete.
  Four people providing feedback Giving Feedback — This is one of the most valuable yet least used tools in communication. People are often uncomfortable giving feedback to others, particularly when they believe it could be perceived as negative. Offer factual, specific, but non-judgmental (and unemotional) feedback.
    People sharing Sharing — Share your experiences. Make suggestions on overcoming difficulties or how to proceed.

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Date CreatedTuesday, July 7, 2009 2:28 PM
Date ModifiedTuesday, July 20, 2010 5:58 PM
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