USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Women

International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

An estimated 140 million girls and women worldwide have undergone female genital mutilation/cutting. Photo credit: Panos

February 6 marks the 10th observance of the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting. Significant efforts have been made at the community, national, and international levels to address the issue. Read more >>

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Boosting Women’s Entrepreneurship Via Mobile Money

A woman sells prepaid mobile phone airtime credits. Photo Credit: Devex.

The U.S. Agency for International Development and Cherie Blair Foundation for Women have joined forces for an innovative project to maximize mobile financial service opportunities for women entrepreneurs Read more >>

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Driving Economic & Social Change – Highlight Women Entrepreneurs in Peru

Luzmila Huarancca Gutiérrez began making textiles at home in Ayacucho, a region located in the Andean Highlands. The quality of her work quickly attracted buyers from across Peru and abroad, and today she is a leader in the artisanal textile industry, managing a network of 800 artisans in Ayacucho.

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Empowering Women – In Kosovo and Beyond

Early this month, we had the great pleasure of participating in the International Women’s Summit – Partnership for Change: Empowering Women­ – hosted by President Atifete Jahjaga of Kosovo with support from USAID and assistance from the National Democratic Institute.

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Feed the Future: Partnering with Civil Society

New video from last month’s Feed the Future: Partnering with Civil Society event, featuring Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, President Joyce Banda of Malawi, and journalist Nicholas Kristof.

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Women and Girls Reduce Disaster Risk Every Day

October 13 marks the International Day for Disaster Reduction. On this day, we at USAID pause to reflect on everything done to prevent or reduce the damage caused by natural hazards like earthquakes, floods, droughts, and storms.

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Gender Equity Through Education

Regina Anek, a Deputy Director for Gender at South Sudan’s Ministry of Education in Eastern Equatoria state, just saved a 14-year-old girl from an early, forced marriage.

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Video of the Week: mWomen Design Challenge

The GSMA mWomen Programme asks ‘What if we designed smartphones with the needs of resource-poor women in mind?’ and encourages innovators around the world to design an Android Launcher to do just that.

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Ford Foundation Event Celebrates Premieres of Half the Sky and Women and Girls Lead Global

Amid the hubbub of the 67th session of the UN General Assembly in New York City, some 250 distinguished guests crowded the towering atrium of the Ford Foundation on Monday evening to celebrate the impending Independent Lens broadcast of Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide.

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Designing Smartphones For Resource-Poor Women

Mobile phone use in the developing world is exploding, yet women are at risk of being left behind.   On average, GSMA research shows women to be 21 per cent less likely than men to own a mobile phone in low- to middle-income countries.  The resulting mobile phone gender gap represents as many as 300 million [...]

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