USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Human Rights

National Freedom Day: A Commitment to End Modern Slavery

Sarah Mendelson serves as deputy assistant administrator for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance

An estimated 20 million men, women and children around the world, including thousands in the United States, are living in bondage, confirming that the fight to end slavery is far from over. Read more >>

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Nurturing Rule of Law in Young Uzbekistan

Judge John R. Tunheim (second from right) and fellow trainer, former prosecutor David Hackney, relax with Uzbek prosecutors as they learn about the American judicial system. Photo credit: USAID

Judge John R. Tunheim traveled to Uzbekistan to share his experience in the areas of rule of law and human rights, and participate in a conference marking the 20th anniversary of the Uzbek constitution. Read more >>

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A Reflection on the Human Spirit on International Human Rights Day

Jonathan Hale serves as deputy assistant administrator for Europe and Eurasia. Photo Credit: USAID.

The 20th century was marked by dark episodes of violence, repression and mass killing around world especially in Europe. Read more >>

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The White House (Blog): Supporting Human Rights in Burma

Yesterday’s announcement that President Obama will become the first U.S. President to visit Burma marks an historic step in the United States’ engagement with Burma Read more >>

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Want to Change the World? Invest in a Girl

Girls who are more educated earn more income, have greater access to family health information and services, are more likely to delay early marriage and childbirth, and have healthier babies.

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Video: Working for Equality for People with Disabilities in Haiti

The January 2010 earthquake in Haiti increased the challenge of supporting people with disabilities. Not only were there more people with disabilities, many local disabled peoples organizations were severely impacted. Read more>>

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Advancing the Dignity Agenda

One year ago, Administrator Rajiv Shah spoke about expanding human welfare at USAID’s Democracy, Human Rights and Governance 2.0 Forum, recounting the defining story of Mohammed Bouazizi, the young Tunisian fruit seller who set himself on fire, and the inspiring stories of other Tunisians who unwittingly sparked the Arab Spring. Since that speech in June [...]

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Building Learning Communities at USAID

John David Smith of Learning Alliances and Nancy White of Full Circle are experts in institutionalizing learning at organizations and authors of Digital Habitats: Stewarding Technology for Communities. Earlier this year, Administrator Shah launched USAID’s new Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance within the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance. The [...]

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Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Forum

This week, USAID will be holding our third annual Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Forum at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC. The two-day event, June 21-22, will bring together government officials and international experts in the field of democracy, human rights and governance. The theme of this year’s forum is Advancing [...]

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Conditions of Confinement

Today I was pleased to meet with the delegation of the Russian human rights activists who traveled to Washington, DC as a part of USAID Conditions of Confinement project. Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns and Deputy Administrator Don Steinberg met with this group as well. These are individuals who have chosen to devote their [...]

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