Forest Products

Carbon In, Carbon Out: How Tree Harvests Affect Carbon Balance in a Planted Forest

Look around at all the wood and paper products we consider essential for daily life. Now, consider the carbon stored in those products—carbon that was removed from a forest ecosystem when trees were harvested. This type of carbon storage is quite important: while it’s locked into these products throughout their useful life, this carbon is … Continue reading »

Categories: Forest Operations, Forest Products, Southern Pines | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off

Southern Forest Science in Support of a Low Carbon Economy

Research from the Forest Service Southern Research Station (SRS) on biomass for energy and the capacity of southern forests to offset greenhouse gas emissions that have led to global warming are featured in the special issue of the journal Forest Science published in October. Often called the “wood basket of the Nation,” the forests of … Continue reading »

Categories: Biomass and Bioenergy, Climate Change, Economics & Policy, Forest Products, Southern Pines, Upland Hardwoods | Tags: | Comments Off

Forest Service Termiticide Testing Program

Termites cause an estimated $5 billion in damages in the United States every year. In the South, where termite damage is legendary, proof of treatment for the insects is often required before a home can be sold. Many people assume that termites are just urban or suburban pests and are surprised to learn that the Forest Service … Continue reading »

Categories: Forest Products, Insects and Diseases, Threats | Tags: , | Comments Off