Monthly Archives: February 2012

Guide to Invasive Plants in Southern Forests

National Invasive Species Awareness Week Feature The Southern Research Station publication A Field Guide for the Identification of Invasive Plants in Southern Forests provides a comprehensive identification guide to nonnative trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, ferns and forbs currently invading forests and other natural areas of the southeastern United States. The information included in the guide is … Continue reading »

Categories: Invasive Plants, Threats | Comments Off

Keeping Kudzu at Bay

Accidentally introduced insect shows promise in battle with kudzu In October 2009, Dan Suiter, an entomologist with the University of Georgia (UGA), noticed large numbers of an unidentified insect in and around kudzu fields in northeast Georgia. This turned out to be the first recorded sighting of the bean plataspid  aka “kudzu bug” (Megacopta cribraria) in … Continue reading »

Categories: Insects and Diseases, Invasive Plants, Threats | Tags: | Comments Off

Want to Hunt Down Invasive Plants in Your Forest? There’s an App for That…

SRS Announces New Invasive Plants iPhone App Southern Research Station (SRS) Director Rob Doudrick  recently announced the release of the first version of a new iPhone/iPad app designed to help southern forest land owners and managers identify and manage nonnative invasive plants in the field. This is the first ever iPhone/ipad application developed by the world’s … Continue reading »

Categories: Invasive Plants, Threats | Comments Off