Climate Change

McNulty Named “Most Distinguished” in Forest Science

  Dr. Steven McNulty, research ecologist with the U.S. Forest Service Southern Research Station (SRS), recently received the agency’s national Research and Development “Distinguished Science Award.” He is recognized for sustained research productivity, proactive science technology, innovative leadership, applied forest science, and longtime federal service. McNulty will accept his award during the February 12, 2013, … Continue reading »

Categories: Climate Change, Threats | Tags: | Comments Off

Climate Change Projected to Alter Indiana Bat Maternity Range

Research by U.S. Forest Service scientists forecasts profound changes over the next 50 years in the summer range of the endangered Indiana bat, one of many eastern bat species whose numbers are already decreasing due to white-nose syndrome and other factors. In an article published in the journal Ecology and Evolution, Forest Service Southern Research … Continue reading »

Categories: Climate Change, Fish & Wildlife | Tags: , , | Comments Off

Climate Change Tool Reaches “Grand” Milestone

The U.S. Forest Service Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO) continues to expand and provide land managers, planners, and other decision makers with the best climate change science available. TACCIMO’s scientific literature database now contains information from more than 1,000 peer-reviewed sources describing the effects of climate change on natural resources as well as land … Continue reading »

Categories: Climate Change, Economics & Policy | Tags: | Comments Off