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MEMS Suggested Websites - Health

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Sharepoint - DoDEA Pacific Guam! > McCool Elementary Middle School > MEMS Suggested Websites > MEMS Suggested Websites - Health

MEMS Suggested Websites

Extended Chapter Concepts -Health & Fitness Videos  and Games by Grade Level
Kids Health
The medi fast plan

Health Literacy Skills
Center for Disease Control
Food Force One -Game
Breakfast Detective - Game
Play "Grab a Grape"
Play "Picnic Adventure"
Play "Dining Decisions"
Play "Monster Nutrition"
Play Some Fun Nutrition Games
Play "Have a Bite Cafe"
Play "The Banquet"
Play "Tasty Tunes"
Play "Calcium Caper"

Personnal and Community Health
Biographies - People in Health
Kids Health - Infections
Why do we need vaccines
What is Bactorial Resistance
Bactorial Resistance
Cronic Disease Pervention
Blood Pressure
Center for Disease Control
Prevent Cronic Disease and Obesity
Head Lice
Sleep Problems
The Immune System
The Immune System -Cancer
Chicken Pox and Shingles
CDC Influenza
CDC Infectious Disease
Genetics and Health
The Human Body

Safety and Injury Prevention

Forest Conservation
Saving Wildlife       Kids Go Wild
Pollution Links
Natural Gas
Lead in the Drinking Water
Kids GroundWater Foundation
Online Safety Resource Library
US Environmental Protection Agency
Air Pollution and Children
Indoor Air Pollution
US Department of Agriculture
Environmental Health - American Council on Science and Health
Enviromnental Health AT&T
Health and Environmental Resource Center
Health , Environment and Work

Nutrition and Physical Activity

USDA My Pyramid    My Pyramid Game 
Kids Health - Digestive System
The Digestive System and How it Works
Kids Health Food Labels
AG's Cool
Protein in the Diet
Kids Nitrition Site Kids Nutrition Activities
Vitamins and Minerals

Mental Health

Feeling Game
Facial Expresions     (Instructions)  

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

Neuroscience for Kids
Alcohol FAQ from National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Cirrhosis of the Liver
Middle School - Alcohol - My Brain, My Body
Blood Alcohol Contents - The Police Notebook
Alcohol and Medications Interactions

Family Life and Human Sexuality

Brain Development


For Teachers: Harcourtsschool  Websites
For Teachers: Harcourtsschool  Websites - Free and Inexpensive Materials
Centers for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Food Labels -Lesson Plan
Nutrition Lesson Plans

Picture of Student with Microscope