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Environmental Education Grants

The purpose of the Environmental Education Grants Program is to provide money to support environmental education projects that increase the public's awareness about environmental issues and provide them with the skills to take responsible actions to protect the environment.

This grant program funds environmental education (EE) projects. Environmental information and outreach may be important elements of EE projects, but these activities by themselves are not environmental education. By itself, environmental information only addresses awareness and knowledge, usually about a particular environmental issue. Outreach involves information dissemination and requests or suggestions for action on a particular issue (often without the critical thinking, problem solving and decision making steps in between). EE covers the range of steps and activities from awareness to action with an ultimate goal of environmental stewardship.

EE Grant Opportunities

2012 EE Grants

The deadline for applications for the 2012 EE Regional Model Grants program was December 12, 2012.

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Environmental Education Regional Model Grants

EPA's Office of Environmental Education grants program supports environmental education projects that enhance the public's awareness, knowledge, and skills to make informed environmental decisions and take responsible actions towards the environment.

You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

2012 EE Regional Model Grants Solicitation Notice

Note: The 2012 EE Regional Model Grants Solicitation Notice was updated November 5, 2012 to reflect the new deadline for applications.  Applications were due December 12, 2012.

EPA hosted two (2) webinars/conference calls for potential applicants interested in additional information about the application process. Archived webinars are available below. 

Archived Webinars/Conference Calls
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
[PDF, 472 KB, 25 pages]
[mp3, 12.7 MB, 55 min]
[PDF, 104 KB, 18 pages]
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
[PDF, 470 KB, 28 pages]
[mp3, 13.8 MB, 60 min]
[PDF, 107 KB, 20 pages]

Environmental Education Sub-Grants  

The Environmental Education (EE) Sub-grants Program is a competitive grant program that supports EPA’s efforts to increase public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues and provide participants in EE grant-funded projects the skills necessary to make informed environmental decisions and to take responsible actions toward the environment.

Note: There will be no Request for Proposals issued in Fiscal Year 2012 for the EE Sub-Grant Program.

How to Apply

1. Determine Eligibility

  • Applicants must represent one of the following types of organizations to be eligible for an environmental education grant:
    • local education agency
    • state education or environmental agency
    • college or university
    • non-profit organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
    • noncommercial educational broadcasting entity
    • tribal education agency (which includes schools and community colleges controlled by an Indian tribe, band, or nation)
  • A teacher's school district, an educator's not-for-profit organization, or a faculty member's college or university may apply, but an individual teacher is not eligible
  • Applicant organizations must be located in the United States or territories and the majority of the educational activities must take place in the United States; or in the U.S. and Canada or Mexico; or in U.S. Territories

2. Complete the Application and Budget Form

  • Download the application (Federal Form SF-424) and budget form (Federal Form SF-424A) to complete the application electronically. Print a hard copy of the completed application and budget form and mail it to EPA as described in the Solicitation Notice. Applicants may submit their proposals in one of two ways: (1) hard copy; or (2) electronically through  www.grants.gov.
  • Applicants choosing to submit applications in hard copy must submit an original and two copies of the proposal materials by mail or express delivery service to the Regional Office in which the project will be located. The original, signed package must be postmarked by 11:59 pm, December 12, 2012. Hand deliveries will be accepted during core business hours of 9:00 am to 4:00 pm local time through December 12, 2012.
  • Applicants choosing to apply electronically via  www.grants.gov  should follow the instructions in Appendix D of the Solicitation Notice. (Note: The deadline for submission via grants.gov is 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time on December 12, 2012.)
  • Check the Solicitation Notice carefully to determine the point of contact and address at one of EPA's 10 Regional Offices to which your application will be sent.
    • Grant applications should be submitted to the regional point of contact in the EPA Region in which the proposed project will take place.
    • NO grant applications should be submitted to EPA Headquarters in Washington, DC.

3. Receive Notification from EPA

  • Applicants will receive a confirmation that EPA has received their proposal within approximately 2 months of receipt.
  • EPA will contact finalists to request additional federal documentation and other information as recommended by reviewers.
  • Applicants who are not selected for funding will receive official notification from EPA within 15 days of a decision of non-selection.

NOTE: Notification of receipt of applications, as well as selection and non-selection notification will be sent to the individual identified on line #21 of the SF-424.


Examples of Outputs and Outcomes for Environmental Education Grant Proposals

The chart below provides examples of some of the outputs and outcomes Environmental Education Grants may produce. A basic  logic model template  can be used to print out a specific version that complements your grant proposal.

Sample Logic Model of
(examples of outputs and outcomes for various types of model EE projects)
Recruitment of teachers, students, or other target audience




Field Trips

Educational Materials

Videos, CDs, DVDs, websites

Conferences and presentation of results
Increased access to environmental education resources and programs

Students and teachers learn skills

Increased environmental knowledge

Increased motivation to become stewards and protect habitat and the environment

Educators are motivated to train others

Assessment of learning; measuring success
Changes in awareness about issues and decisions that affect the environment

Students and community leaders make decisions to improve their environment

Specific actions are taken to improve the environment

Environmental stewardship is underway

Assessment of actions to improve the environment; Measuring success
Establishment of sustainable environmental education programs

Improved environmental literacy and environmental change for the better

Increased stewardship leads to civic responsibility for environmental protection, habitat preservation, and prevention of environmentally induced human health problems.

Tips for Grant Applicants

Tips for Developing Successful Grant Applications

The tips provided here are helpful hints for organizations that submit applications for environmental education grants awarded by EPA. They will guide you in developing your application and help you avoid common errors that can cause your application to be disqualified from consideration for funding. This guidance supplements, but doesn't replace, the instructions in the solicitation notice which contains current requirements.

Goals:  Environmental education projects and sub-grant education activities must be based on sound science and must enhance critical-thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills of the target audience. EPA will not fund projects that advocate a particular viewpoint or course of action about environmental issues, or proposed activities to simply disseminate information. Projects and sub-grant activities must teach analytical skills and informed decision making that leads to responsible actions to protect the environment.

Basic Eligibility

  • Make sure your organization is eligible to apply for grant funds:
    • A college or university; a local or tribal government education agency; a state education or environmental agency; a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization; or a noncommercial educational broadcasting entity is eligible
    • A teacher's school district, an educator's not-for-profit organization, or a faculty member's college or university may apply, but an individual teacher is not eligible
    • Local or state government entities and public agencies that conduct educational and environmental programs are eligible
    • The primary applicant must be based in the U.S. or territories; the majority of the project activities must take place in the U.S., or in the U.S. and Canada or Mexico, or in the U.S. territories
  • Meet the deadline for submitting your application--EPA will not consider proposals submitted to  www.grants.gov, or "postmarked" by the U.S. Postal Service or a commercial delivery service after the published deadline

Application Process

  • Submit all application materials either in hard copy (original and 2 copies) to the appropriate EPA Region or to  www.grants.gov. Materials required for a proposal should be submitted in the following order:
    • Two Federal Forms: Application (SF 424) and Budget (SF 424-A)
    • Work Plan (up to 7 pages):
      1. Project Summary (1 page)
      2. Full Project Description
      3. Project Evaluation Plan
      4. Detailed Budget Showing Match (not included in the page limit)
      5. Appendices (not included in the page limit)
        1. Timeline
        2. Logic Model Showing Outputs and Outcomes
        3. Qualifications of Personnel and Programmatic Capabilities
        4. Letters Stating Responsibilities of Partners, if applicable
  • When submitting in hard copy, your application should be sent to the EPA region in which your project will be located. Remember to submit an original and 2 copies and to submit only the materials listed above (NO binders, maps, brochures, CDs, etc.)

Project Design

  • Describe how the project will meet at least one of EPA's environmental education priorities, such as Community Projects, and one of EPA's environmental priorities, such as protecting air quality, which are identified in the Solicitation Notice
  • Stay focused — be clear which EPA priorities listed in the Solicitation Notice you are addressing. Avoid simply restating the goals and priorities listed in the Solicitation Notice. Evaluation panels often select projects with a clearly defined purpose which can be accomplished over projects that attempt to address multiple priorities without a clear focus. 
  • Avoid proposing ineligible projects, such as technical training of environmental management professionals; research and development not of an educational nature; projects that advocate a particular viewpoint of course of action about environmental issues; or environmental "information" and/or "outreach" projects that have no educational component

Content of Proposal

  • Describe the project accurately and precisely:
    • Research the project and describe exactly why there is a need for the project in your community or in the field of environmental education
    • Identify existing efforts related to the project — use the information to support the project or to justify a different approach
    • Clearly define measurable quantitative or qualitative outputs that can be reported during the funding period
    • Include outcomes that will result from carrying out the activities or outputs of the project
    • Describe exactly what you are going to do and how you are going to do it
    • Identify the products that you will use or produce and how you will distribute them
    • Specify the methodology, such as workshops or field trips, you will use to implement the project and explain how it teaches critical-thinking, problem-solving or decision-making skills
    • Explain how the project will promote environmental stewardship
    • Explain the project's potential for wide application or how it could serve as a replicable model for other communities or organizations

Audience and Partnerships

  • Target your audience carefully:
    • Describe clearly the individuals or groups that make up your audience; for example, 19 school districts, and/or 60 high school teachers, 400 middle school students, etc.
    • Explain why your audience needs the project; e.g., because of the local impact of a particular environmental issue or an educational need
    • Explain if/how your project will reach a variety of audiences, including but not limited to minority and low income populations
    • Explain how you will recruit your audience and your incentives to keep them; if reaching teachers, explain incentives such as stipends or continuing education credits
  • Build strong partnerships and/or alliances with EE networks, community organizations, and environmental and industry groups:
    • Enlist the support of other groups that have similar goals
    • Secure a commitment of services or dollars
    • Identify how partners/alliances will collaborate and/or describe specific responsibilities of each partner
    • Submit letters of commitment or memoranda of understanding from partners which state the dollars or services committed


  • Develop a methodology for evaluating the project:
    • Describe how you will ensure that you are meeting the goals, objectives, outputs, and outcomes of the project
    • Identify the strategies, milestones, and tools that you will use to track and measure progress towards achieving the outputs and outcomes of the project
    • Describe how monitoring will be used to strengthen the project


  • Develop a realistic timeline:
    • Demonstrate that you can complete the project within the funding period
    • List the sequence and time frames of all tasks you will undertake to meet the goals of the project (on a schedule that covers the entire grant period)
  • Describe how the project will be sustained after the federal funding period ends, and/or how it could be replicated in other settings


  • Develop a realistic budget:
    • Make the budget clear and concise and use headings from the Budget Form (SF 424A), such as personnel, travel, and supplies
    • Provide details on the basis of costs for items
    • Present the budget in such a manner that someone unfamiliar with your organization will understand it
    • Identify the personnel, materials, and other resources you will need to implement the project:
      • Identify those that you and your partners already have and those for which you need funding
      • Clarify which costs will be charged to matching funds, in-kind matches, EPA funds, or other funding sources
  • Clearly identify matching funds:
    • Show that your organization has obtained the required level of nonfederal matching funds, that is, at least 25 percent of the total cost of the project (Your match must be at least one-third of the requested Federal amount to be sufficient. For example, if the Federal amount requested is $216,000, divide this amount by 3, which equals $72,000. In this example, your match needs to be at least $72,000, assuming that the toal budget for the project is $288,000.)
    • Carefully document those matching funds that are provided in cash and those represented by in-kind contributions and other nonmonetary support
  • Be cautious about including what might appear to be excessive personnel or travel costs and high overhead expenses; your budget must be competitive
  • Check the budget forms for mathematical errors
  • Make certain you don't include unallowed items, such as construction costs

Logic Model

  • Provide a graphic (logic model) to display the outputs and short-, medium-, and long-term outcomes developed through the project
  • Ensure that the logic model clarifies the objectives (outputs and outcomes) and activities that are described in the work plan
  • Use the logic model to show how the funded activities will result in positive outcomes


  • Meet the format requirements specified in the solicitation notice and at  www.grants.gov  if submitting electronically, and be sure to submit an original and 2 copies if submitting in hard copy.
    • Pages must be letter-size — 8 1/2 x 11 inches
    • Number the pages in the narrative portion of your proposal (i.e., Project Summary = page 1, Project Description = pages 2-7)
    • Clearly label all portions of your proposal (i.e., Project Summary, Project Description, Project Evaluation Plan, Detailed Budget, etc.)
    • Provide one original signed copy and 2 additional copies as specified in the Solicitation Notice, if doing a paper submission; electronic submission through  www.grants.gov  is also an option
    • Do not exceed the page limits specified for the Project Summary and Project Description
    • Do not send extra material, such as videos, newspaper articles, etc.
  • Spell out each acronym at first use
  • Perform an internal or external review of the application, or both:
    • If possible, ask someone who has experience in writing grant proposals to review the application
    • Perform an editorial review for clarity and conciseness
    • Check the proposal for typographical, grammatical, and mathematical errors
  • Perform a final quality control check to ensure that application materials are complete and signed and that the copies are legible

The Bottom Line

  • Show you will enhance environmental stewardship
  • Demonstrate how the project could be replicated in other settings
  • Identify measurable results
  • Price the project competitively
  • Write clearly and concisely
  • Follow instructions and format



EPA Contacts for EE Grants

If you have questions regarding an open EE grants solicitation, please send them to EEGrants@epa.gov.

For other any questions regarding the environmental education grants program, please contact your regional coordinator.

Region 1
Kristen Conroy
U.S. EPA, Region 1
Environmental Education Grants (RAA)
5 Post Office Square, Mail Code ORA-01-1
Boston, MA 02109-3912

Region 2
NJ, NY, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Teresa Ippolito
U.S. EPA, Region 2
Environmental Education Grants
Grants and Contracts Management Branch
290 Broadway
27th Floor
New York, NY 10007-1866

Region 3
Kathleen Kirkland
U.S. EPA, Region 3
Environmental Education Grants (3CG00)
1650 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029

Region 4
Kathy Armstrong
U.S. EPA, Region 4
Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center
Environmental Education Grants
Office of Public Affairs
61 Forsyth Street SW
Atlanta, GA 30303

Region 5
Megan Gavin
U.S. EPA, Region 5
Environmental Education Grants
Grants Management Section (AT-18J)
77 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60604-3507

Region 6
Bonnie King
U.S. EPA, Region 6
Environmental Education Grants
1445 Ross Avenue
Dallas, TX 75202-2733

Region 7
Denise Morrison
U.S. EPA, Region 7
Environmental Education Grants
901 N. 5th Street
Kansas City, KS 66101-2907

Region 8
Wendy Dew
U.S. EPA, Region 8
Environmental Education Grants
1595 Wynkoop Street
Denver, CO 80202-1129

Region 9
AZ, CA, HI, NV, American Samoa, Guam, Mariana Islands
Sharon Jang
U.S. EPA, Region 9
75 Hawthorne Street (CED-4)
San Francisco, CA 94105

Region 10
Sally Hanft
U.S. EPA, Region 10
Environmental Education Grants
1200 Sixth Avenue (ETPA-086)
Seattle, WA 98101

EE Grants Awarded Since 1992

Since 1992, EPA has received between $2 and $3 million in grant funding per year and has awarded more than 3,500 grants. Grantees are located in all 50 states and various U.S. territories. Each grant addresses one or more environmental issue, and an educational priority such as teacher training, education reform, or health. A summary of these statistics is provided below.

More than 3,500 grants have been awarded nationwide since 1992

US Map

Region 10 Region 8 Region 9 Region 6 Region 7 Region 5 Region 4 Region 3 Region 2 Region 1

Statistics for 1992-2011 (all EE grants)

Category Grants EPA Funds

Audiences asterisk
Students 2,402 $35,273,114
Educators 2,135 $36,219,893
General Public 1,333 $21,248,909

Types of Organizations
College/University 599 $12,013,053
Local government agency (county/city) 250 $2,785,849
Non-commercial broadcaster 15 $687,147
Non-profit organization 1,886 $28,205,410
School/school district/school board 582 $5,899,351
State government agency 159 $3,718,785
Tribal education or tribal non-profit organization 68 $900,702

Environmental Issuesasterisk
Air 172 $3,107,933
Biodiversity/ecosystem/ habitat/species 1,014 $15,151,628
Human health 289 $5,107,592
Pesticides 63 $1,145,006
Soil/agriculture 183 $2,715,007
Solid waste 301 $3,521,913
Toxic substances 165 $2,979,775
Water 1,170 $16,178,446
General environmental literacy 1,314 $22,358,042

2011 46 $2,167,287
2010 89 $3,438,507
2009 92 $3,354,289
2008 111 $3,354,158
2007 51 $1,341,747
2006 138 $2,685,467
2005 134 $2,689,803
2004 178 $2,780,786
2003 196 $2,694,765
2002 207 $2,784,719
2001 228 $2,771,464
2000 166 $2,319,305
1999 207 $2,481,059
1998 254 $3,052,456
1997 267 $3,136,405
1996 212 $2,132,323
1995 256 $2,988,884
1994 249 $2,871,118
1993 261 $2,726,521
1992 217 $2,439,234
Total 3,559 $54,210,297


  asteriskMany grants are directed toward more than one audience and address multiple environmental issues, so numbers exceed 100%.

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