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Milestones: Alaska Fisheries Science Center

More Than 500 Years of Federal Service!

Research Reports
Oct-Nov-Dec 2012
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Sixteen staff from the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) retired between August 2012 and January 2013.  The group includes program and division directors, research fishery biologists, IT specialists, a zoologist, and a program analyst, who together have contributed to the NOAA mission, and the Center’s mission particularly, for more than 500 years.  Their individual contributions have made, in part, the Center what it is today – one of the most productive and most respected marine research institutions in the world.  Each has worked for the federal government for at least 20 years – and one for 52!  Those years in public service reflect well on the Center workplace and are a testimony to the dedication of our staff.

The 16 retirees are

Bill Heard (ABL), Supervisory Research Fishery Biologist, 52 years of federal service
Jeep Rice (ABL), Research Fishery Biologist, 41 years of federal service
Brenda Shiraki (OFIS), Information Technology Specialist, 38 years of federal service
Russ Nelson (RACE), Supervisory Research Fishery Biologist, 36 years of federal service
Chuck Fowler (NMML), Research Fishery Biologist, 35 years of federal service
Frank Thrower (ABL), Research Fishery Biologist, 35 years of federal service
Dave Clausen (ABL), Research Fishery Biologist, 34 years of federal service
John Thedinga (ABL), Research Fishery Biologist, 34 years of federal service
Scott Johnson (ABL), Research Fishery Biologist, 33 years of federal service
Kevin Bailey (RACE), Research Fishery Biologist, 32 years of federal service
Sarah Hinckley (RACE), Research Fishery Biologist, 31 years of federal service
Ed Dunn (FMA), Information Technology Specialist, 28 years of federal service
Pat Harris (ABL), Zoologist, 25 years of federal service
Jay Kennedy (OCD), Management & Program Analyst, 23 years of federal service
Jan Haaga (RACE), Research Fishery Biologist, 22 years of federal service
Mike Guttormsen (RACE), Research Fishery Biologist, 22 years of federal service

On behalf of the AFSC Directorate and all Center staff, I wish each of our recent retirees well on their next phase of life.  It has been a privilege to work with you.  As a team we have accomplished much, put up with a great deal, and worked hard towards contributing to science, service, and stewardship within the NOAA Fisheries family. 

Doug DeMaster
Science and Research Director
Alaska Region, NOAA Fisheries





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