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National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped - NLS
Library of Congress

Organization URL(s)


Other Contact Information

1291 Taylor Street NW
Washington, DC 20011
1-800-424-8567 (Voice - Toll-free)
1-888-657-7323 (Voice - Toll-free)
202-707-5100 (Voice)
202-707-0712 (FAX)
202-707-0744 (Voice - TDD)


Through a national network of cooperating libraries, NLS administers a free library program of braille and audio materials circulated to eligible residents in the United States and American citizens living abroad who cannot read standard print because of a temporary or permanent visual disability, or a physical disability that prevents holding the printed page. Material is sent by postage-free mail.

Online Resources

Print Resources

Serial publications: Braille Book Review, bimonthly--new braille books and program news; News (newsletter), quarterly--current program developments; Talking Book Topics, bimonthly--new recorded books and program news; Update (newsletter), quarterly--news on volunteer activities; Musical Mainstream (magazine), bimonthly--articles selected from print music magazines. Other subject bibliographies are also available.

Related Topics

Review Date

Thursday, Sep 15, 2011