Archived Producer Price Index Detailed Report Information

Effective with the release of January 2007 PPI data, the full version of the monthly PPI Detailed Report has been made available to the public in PDF format. From June 2005 through December 2006, only tables 1 through 9 of this publication were provided as PDF files.


Indexes for the reference month of each PPI Report are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. Seasonally adjusted indexes are also revised with the release of January data each year for the preceding five years. In addition, semiannual resampling procedures result in addition, deletion, and recoding of selected indexes. Tables listing these changes are published in each January and July edition of the PPI Detailed Report.

The latest data, including any revisions, may be obtained from the databases accessible on the PPI homepage: Producer Price Index: databases

On This Page

Links to archive copies of Producer Price Index Detailed Reports

Current Edition

2013 Producer Price Index Detailed Reports

2012 Producer Price Index Detailed Reports

2011 Producer Price Index Detailed Reports

2010 Producer Price Index Detailed Reports

2009 Producer Price Index Detailed Reports

2008 Producer Price Index Detailed Reports

2007 Producer Price Index Detailed Reports

2006 Producer Price Index Detailed Report Tables

2005 Producer Price Index Detailed Report Tables


Last Modified Date: February 20, 2013