Posts Tagged With: southern pine beetle

Secretary’s Honor Award for Southern Pine Beetle Prevention Program

On September 12, the team leading the Forest Health Protection Southern Pine Beetle Prevention Program received a 2012 USDA Secretary’s Honor Award. Key members of the group are John Nowak (team leader), Don Duerr, Wes Nettleton, and Linda Brett from Forest Service, Region 8, and Kier Klepzig, Assistant Director for Research at the Southern Research Station.  … Continue reading »

Categories: Forest Health Protection, Forest Landowners, Insects and Diseases, Threats | Tags: , | Comments Off

Guidelines for Regenerating Southern Pine Beetle Spots

  Guidelines for Regenerating Southern Pine Beetle Spots, a new general technical report (GTR) just published by the Southern Research Station (SRS),  provides detailed guidance for regenerating pines in areas within forest stands where trees have been killed by southern pine beetle. Authored by scientists from two units located in Pineville, Louisiana—the SRS Restoring and … Continue reading »

Categories: Insects and Diseases, Longleaf Pines, Restoration, Southern Pines | Tags: | Comments Off

Southern Pine Beetle Impacts on Forests

Shortleaf pine-hardwood ecosystem restoration following insect outbreak Research by Southern Research Station (SRS) scientists shows that the impacts of recent outbreaks of southern pine beetle further degraded shortleaf pine-hardwood forest ecosystems in the southern Appalachian region. The authors suggest that cutting and burning these sites reduces heavy fuel loads, improves soil nutrient status, and opens … Continue reading »

Categories: Fire, Insects and Diseases, Restoration, Southern Pines | Tags: , , , | Comments Off