Posts Tagged With: outreach

Bio-prospecting in Beetles

Forest Service Grant Supports Undergraduate Research Funding from the U.S. Forest Service certainly served its purpose of enhancing undergraduate research at Delta State University (DSU) in Cleveland, Mississippi. Almost three years ago, Tanya McKinney and Ellen Green, associate professors of biology at DSU, started brainstorming a project to give science undergraduates research experience in the … Continue reading »

Categories: Biomass and Bioenergy, Bottomland Hardwoods | Tags: , | Comments Off

It’s All About Insects

Representatives from the Southern Research Station (SRS) Insects, Diseases, and Invasive Plants unit recently hosted a forestry booth as part of “Demonstration Days at AgMagic” at the annual Louisiana State Fair in Shreveport, Louisiana.  Children and adults visiting the booth were able to view and touch live insects, create insect pictures from stencils, and receive an activity sheet … Continue reading »

Categories: Insects and Diseases | Tags: | Comments Off

Annual Bugfest Features “Bad Bugs in the Forest”

Where did more than 35,000 moms, dads, children, and their friends go for fun-filled, “buggy” entertainment, activities, and cuisine this year? They all showed up early and stayed late for the 16th annual Bugfest hosted by the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh, NC. The Southern Research Station (SRS) was a co-sponsor of this year’s … Continue reading »

Categories: Insects and Diseases | Tags: | Comments Off