Non-Timber Forest Products

Non-Timber Forest Products

From walking sticks to herbal medicines Jim Chamberlain, research forest products technologist with Southern Research Station Forest Inventory and Analysis unit, organizes non-timber forest products into four general categories: 1)      Edible and culinary products harvested from the forest include mushrooms, ferns, and the fruits, leaves, and roots of many plant species. Edibles commonly gathered and … Continue reading »

Categories: Forest Inventory & Analysis, Forest Landowners, Non-Timber Forest Products | Comments Off

SRS-Funded Forest Project Wins National Award

The Western North Carolina Forest Project, funded with a $1.97 million American Reinvestment and Recovery Act grant through the Southern Research Station (SRS), helped retain or create 164 jobs among 15 small businesses and organizations in Western North Carolina. Now the Land-of-Sky Regional Council, the local administrator of the project, has received the 2012 Innovation Award … Continue reading »

Categories: Economics & Policy, Forest Landowners, Forest Products, Non-Timber Forest Products | Tags: , | Comments Off

Upcoming Webinar: Forest Farming with Non-Timber Products

Opportunities to Share Information and Grow Resources Jim Chamberlain, forest products technologist with the Southern Research Station, has carved out a niche in non-timber forest products. Chamberlain focuses on ramps, ginseng, goldenseal, galax, and scores of other non-timber products that flourish in the Appalachian forests. He’s devoted his career to finding and identifying plants, studying … Continue reading »

Categories: Ethics & Values, Forest Landowners, Non-Timber Forest Products | Tags: , | Comments Off