Recently Announced Projects

Recent Projects

Assessment of Voting Assistance Programs for Calendar Year 2012
November 2012 - The objective of this project is to assess compliance with voting assistance programs specified by law, policy and regulation, including compliance by the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. This project will also assess the effectiveness of voting assistance provided to warfighters, their families, and overseas citizens.
Audit of the Adequacy of DoD Approving/Billing Officials’ Review of At-Risk Transactions Identified by the Purchase Card Online System
October 2012 - The objective of this audit is to determine whether DoD approving and billing officials adequately reviewed transactions that the Purchase Card Online System referred for being at-risk of non-compliance with applicable laws and criteria. The audit was requested by the director of Program Development and Implementation, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. The audit will determine whether DoD approving/billing officials adequately reviewed cases where they identified cards as lost or stolen.
Audit of Defense Demilitarization Coding
October 2012 - This audit will determine whether the military services are properly evaluating DoD excess property and assigning accurate demilitarization codes before sending property to the Defense Logistics Agency and whether the Defense Logistics Agency is adequately validating the accuracy of codes assigned to the excess property.
Assessment on Equipping the Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF)
September 2012 - The objective of this assessment is to determine whether equipment and ammunition for the ANSF have been procured in excess of currently stated requirements. In addition, the assessment will review any plans developed or being developed that describe the utilization or disposition of excess equipment and ammunition.
Assessment of U.S. Government and Coalition Efforts to Train, Equip, and Advise the Afghan Border Police (ABP)
September 2012 - The objective of this assessment is to determine whether the planning and operational implementation of efforts by U.S. and Coalition Forces to train, equip and advise in the development of the ABP is effective.
Audit of U.S. Transportation Command’s Readiness for the Drawdown from Afghanistan
September 2012 - The objective of this audit is to determine whether U.S. Transportation Command officials are developing plans to provide sufficient government and contract capabilities to support U.S. Central Command requirements for the retrograde of cargo from Afghanistan.
Assessment of the Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq Mission Capability Project
September 2012 - The objective of this assessment is to determine the adequacy of DoD support for executing security cooperation programs in Iraq and whether the Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq is organized, equipped and prepared to successfully accomplish its security cooperation mission.
Audit of the Justification Process for Use of Military Airlift by the U.S. Army SpecialOperations Command
September 2012 - The objective of this audit is to determine whether U.S. Army Special Operations Command officials are complying with applicable Federal and DoD guidance when justifying the use of military airlift.
Audit of Defense Logistics Agency Aviation Sole-Source Spare Parts Procured from The Boeing Company
September 2012 - The objective of this audit is to determine whether Defense Logistics Agency Aviation is obtaining best value and purchasing sole-source spare parts at fair and reasonable prices from The Boeing Company.
Audit of the Base Realignment and Closure 2005 Land Transfer and Increased Costs Associated With Closures of Army Ammunition Plants and Chemical Depots
September 2012 - The audit objective is to determine whether any additional factors increased costs and delayed the land transfers of U.S. Army ammunition plants and chemical depots closed during BRAC 2005. This audit will be conducted in response to the pending Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill 2013 which requires the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General to review BRAC 2005 closures and to report on additional issues that delayed land transfer and increased costs.

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