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2011 Conference Proceedings

2011 NETL CO2 Capture Technology Meeting
August 22 - 26, 2011

Previous Proceedings

Proceedings of the 2011 NETL CO2 Capture Technology Meeting

Table of Contents


MONDAY, August 22


Post-combustion Sorbent-Based Capture

Post-combustion Membrane-Based Capture

TUESDAY, August 23

Post-combustion Solvent-Based Capture

ARPA-E Capture Projects

WEDNESDAY, August 24

Oxy-Combustion and Oxygen Production

Chemical Looping Process

CO2 Compression

THURSDAY, August 25

FutureGen 2.0, CCPI and ICCS Demonstration Projects

System Studies and Modeling

Pre-combustion Capture Projects

FRIDAY, August 26

Pre-combustion Capture Projects – Cont’d





Phase Change

Chemical Looping

Computational Science


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