Category Archives: Quality Assurance

How Good was the 2010 Census?, Part 3

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As prior blogs have noted, there are 3 ways to evaluate the quality of a census: 1) process indicators that describe the operations, 2) comparisons with other estimates of population size, and 3) a sample survey matched to the census, … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 Census, Quality Assurance, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Addressing Concerns about 2010 Population Counts

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With the completion of each census, as local officials examine the just-delivered population counts, many are disappointed. They are totally focused on strengthening and building their communities, and many view the size of the population as evidence of their success. … Continue reading

Posted in Measuring America, Quality Assurance | 7 Comments

Some Early Results from the Post-Enumeration Survey

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In an earlier post, “Quality in a Census Part 5,” I described how a large sample survey called a “post-enumeration survey” is used to evaluate a census. For 2010 such a survey will be used to estimate the number of … Continue reading

Posted in Quality Assurance | 10 Comments

Comparing the Official Census Counts to Other Ways of Estimating the Population Size

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As I mentioned in an earlier post, “Demographic Analysis” And The Census, one method of measuring the size of the US population relies on historical birth registration, death registration, as well as estimates of in-migration to and out-migration from the … Continue reading

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The Release of The 2010 Demographic Analysis Population Estimates

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As I mentioned in an earlier post, “Demographic Analysis” And The Census, one method of measuring the size of the US population relies on historical birth registration, death registration, as well as estimates of in-migration to and out-migration from the … Continue reading

Posted in Measuring America, Quality Assurance | 17 Comments