Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science - Mobile Bay Digital Library

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Home | Mobile Bay Digital Library

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Mobile Bay Digital Library

Note: The digital library was last updated in 2006. It serves as an archive and is no longer being updated.

Enter Mobile Bay Digital Library Database

Mobile Bay Watershed
Mobile Bay Watershed
The Mobile Bay Digital Library was created out of a need for distribution of two specific imagery sets for the area. Under the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program's Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan, the photography was developed for wetlands and submerged aquatic vegetation mapping activities.

The funding for this endeavor was provided by:

  • EPA - Gulf of Mexico Program,
  • Alabama Department of Environmental Management Coastal Program
  • Mobile Bay National Estuary Program

Other data sets found within the digital library relate to wetlands and submerged aquatic vegetation in the area; the data sets were created by the U.S. Geological Survey, National Wetlands Research Center.

The need for both types of photography (the color infrared and natural color) was specified in the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program's Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan under Habitat Management. It simply states it's mission to "provide optimum fish and wildlife habitat in the Mobile Bay system by effectively preserving, restoring, and managing resources to maintain adequate extent, diversity, distribution, connectivity, and natural functions of all habitat types".

The submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) photography is specified under action plan HM-B1: Protect or Restore SAV habitat.

  • Produce a map of major SAV concentrations of occurrence for public distribution.

The color infrared photography is specified under action plan HM-C1: Maintain and/or Improve Beneficial Wetland Function.

  • Determine and quantify the current extent of wetlands and the extent of wetlands loss or conversion within the Mobile Bay NEP Study area by habitat type, watershed, and cause of loss.

  • Produce a GIS map of the information gathered for education and conservation management purposes.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Alabama Department of Environmental Management Mobile Bay National Estuary Program Gulf of Mexico Program
Please note that some maps are in draft format, so check all information about the chosen map. For comments or questions about the Mobile Bay Digital Library, please contact Chris Cretini at U.S. Geological Survey/National Wetlands Research Center.

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science
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