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You are here: Physiographic features
Tectonic features
Features resulting from structural deformation of the earth's crust through tectonic processes. [Adapted from American Heritage Dic. of the English Language, 4th ed.]
Alexandria Digital Library Feature Type Thesaurus
Earthquake features (2 items)
Faults (16 items)
Folds (geologic) (5 items)

Results 1 - 18 of 18 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Bedrock geologic map of Vermont [More info]
At a scale of 1:100,000, this map shows an uncommon level of detail for State geologic maps. Mapped rock units are primarily based on lithology, or rock type, to facilitate derivative studies in multiple disciplines.
Earthquake Hazards Program external research support [More info]
Abstracts, program announcements and descriptions of projects funded by the external research program.
Earthquake and fault data for Google Earth [More info]
Downloadable data for earthquakes and faults for use with the Google Earth software
PDF Earthquake hazard in the New Madrid seismic zone remains a concern [More info]
GPS measurements made since 1996 seem to show this earthquake-prone area slowing down. Is it time to relax? Scientists who studied these data in detail say no, and this fact sheet explains why.
PDF Earthquakes pose a serious hazard in Afghanistan [More info]
Structural features in eastern Afghanistan accompany seismicity data showing this area is subject to considerable risk of earthquakes.
PDF Facing the great disaster: How the men and women of the U.S. Geological Survey responded to the 1906 "San Francisco Earthquake" [More info]
After the powerful earthquake of April 18, 1906, staff of the U.S. Geological Survey stationed in Sacramento and Berkeley brought help to the residents of devastated San Francisco, documented the effects of the quake, and investigated its causes.
Fault and fold database of the United States [More info]
Online database of faults and associated folds in the United States that are believed to be sources of significant earthquakes during the last 1.6 million years.
PDF Forecasting California's earthquakes - What can we expect in the next 30 years? [More info]
Shows how we know severe earthquakes will occur and where.
Geologic map of the Eagle quadrangle, Eagle County, Colorado [More info]
The Eagle quadrangle covers an area that straddles the Eagle River and Interstate 70 (I-70) and it includes the town of Eagle, Colo., which is located in the southwestern part of the quadrangle, just south of I-70 and the Eagle River, about 37 km west of
Geology of Death Valley National Park [More info]
Site has links to Death Valley's geologic history, rocks and minerals, geologic time, geologic maps.
Geology of the onshore part of San Mateo County, California: a digital database [More info]
This digital map database represents the general distribution of the geology (bedrock and surficial deposits) in San Mateo County. Accompanying text file (*.txt or *.ps) provides current information on the geologic structure and stratigraphy.
Map and database of Quaternary faults and folds in Colombia and its offshore regions [More info]
PDF file of map of Quaternary faults and folds in Columbia prepared as part of the World Map of Major Active Faults with locations, ages, and activity rates of major earthquake-related features accompanied by database of description and activity.
National Geologic Map Database Catalog [More info]
Search tool for locating print and online U.S. geologic maps by area, title, author, etc.
North Cascades National Park geology, a mountain mosaic [More info]
Homepage for information on geology of the North Cascades National Park in the state of Washington. Includes links to geologic story, geologic field trips, geologic maps, plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, geologic time, and glossary.
PDF The Hayward fault - Is it due for a repeat of the powerful 1868 earthquake? [More info]
Preparing for earthquakes along this important fault requires studying the history of its movement and its geology, as well as understanding how society has built the area around it.
The San Andreas Fault [More info]
Online booklet on the San Andreas fault system on the California coastal region with discussion of faults, relationship of faults and earthquakes, magnitude of earthquakes, and earthquake probability.
The great 1906 earthquake, 100 years later [More info]
Annotated list of resources about the great earthquake of 1906, which caused significant devastation in and around San Francisco, California, compiled for the 100th anniversary of the disaster.
PDF Where's the San Andreas fault? A guidebook to tracing the fault on public lands in the San Francisco Bay region [More info]
A field trip guidebook published in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the 1906 earthquake (revised 2010).
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