The following survey has been developed to help identify existing Cultural Resources Learning and Development Opportunities in and outside of the National Park Service.

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Mather Training Center

Please use the these parameters to guide you:

  • Think broadly. Learning and development opportunities are not limited to the traditional classroom course. They can include online courses, mentoring programs, TEL broadcasts, webinars, podcasts/videos, reference materials, technical assistance help lines, cutting edge articles, etc. Think of the most obvious, think outside the box, and everything in between.
  • Opportunities can be discipline specific or interdisciplinary, cutting across some or all Cultural Resource disciplines or between Cultural Resources and/or other National Park Service career fields.
  • Who offers the opportunity? Beyond the National Park Service, consider additional sources such as other agencies, organizations, companies, NGOs, universities, private sector, etc. Please be as specific here as possible.

For each entry you make, please complete all required fields and click “Submit”

For more information contact: Roger Anderson, Cultural Resources Training Manager, Stephen T. Mather Training Center at or 304-535-5051.

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2 Responses to Existing Learning and Development Opportunities in Cultural Resources

  1. Laura Kirn says:

    PWR instituted a series of annual Section 106 Roundtable Discussions and refresher trainings. These are network or park based depending upon the need. The roundtable discussions are intended to provide an opportunity to review ‘case studies’ that illustrate complex or challenging Section 106 situations with senior PWR cultural resource staff in advisory roles. The trainings are usually delivered by a senior PWR or park cultural resource specialists and are incorporated into an annual network meeting.

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