Home | About US | Directorates | Deputy Chief of Staff Operational Protection Directorate (Provost Marshal)

Deputy Chief of Staff Operational Protection Directorate (Provost Marshal)

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Office Symbol: ARSO-PT
Address: 4130 Stanley Road, Suite 700
Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234
Commercial Phone: (210) 295-6613
DSN Phone: 421-6688/6613
Fax:  (210) 295-6386


Mission Statement:


The Protection Directorate plans, coordinates, and conducts Threat Vulnerability Assessments, safety assistance and guidance, CBRNE, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) oversight, and air missile defense protection for all JCS and SOUTHCOM directed activities within the AOF as directed by the Commanding General, U.S. Army South. On order, the Protection Directorate supports contingency operations and serves as staff members of a CFLCC or JTF as directed.

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