Campaign : Cloud LAnd Surface Interaction Campaign (CLASIC)

2007.06.01 - 2007.06.30

Website :

Lead Scientist : Mark Miller

For data sets, see below.


Cumulus convection is an important component of the atmospheric radiation budget and hydrologic cycle of the Southern Great Plains (SGP), particularly during the summertime growing season. Continental cumulus convection is strongly modulated by land surface conditions, while at the same time influencing the land surface itself through rain-induced changes in soil moisture and through its impact on photosynthesis. Land surface conditions determine whether the partitioning of surface available energy is dominated by the sensible heat flux or by the latent heat flux, which is an important factor in the evolution of the convective boundary layer. Consequently, land surface characteristics influence the timing and evolution of cumulus convection, in particular the cloud base height, cloud depth, and convective available potential energy. The four ARM Working groups endorsed an Intensive Observation Period (IOP at the Southern Great Plains (SGP) Climate Research User Facility during the summer of 2007. The purpose of this IOP was to advance our understanding of cumulus convection and its controls, particularly those associated with land surface processes. The Cloud and Land Surface Interaction Campaign (CLASIC) IOP covered a period of 1-3 months straddled the winter wheat harvest when large changes in the land surface lead to large changes in the surface albedo, latent heat flux, and sensible heat flux. The working groups were particularly interested in the relationship between land surface processes and the observed cloud cover, and vice versa. The new science that was proposed addressed specific aspects of the problem, especially known model deficiencies and gaps in our physical understanding of cloud and land surface feedbacks. In addition to advancing climate science, the working groups believed that this IOP would help realize the potential of ARMs new instrument capabilities, provide significant validation data for NASAs new active satellite remote sensors, and enhance ACRF capabilities by expanding into cross-discipline research.

Campaign Data Sets

Campaign Participant Data Set Archived Data
Avissar, Roni Helicopter Observation Platform Order Data
Cadeddu, Maria Microwave Water Radiometer Order Data
Chuang, Patrick Phase Doppler Interferometer Order Data
Collins, Don Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter Order Data
Collins, Don Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer Order Data
Dominguez, Rose MODIS Airborne Simulator Order Data
Gasiewski, Albin Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer Order Data
Gatebe, Charles Cloud Absorption Radiometer Order Data
Heymsfield, Gerald ER-2 Navigation Order Data
Heymsfield, Gerald ER-2 Cloud Radar Order Data
Hostetler, Chris HSR Lidar Order Data
Jackson, Thomas Soil Type Order Data
Jackson, Thomas Land Cover Order Data
Jackson, Thomas Tower Flux Measurements Order Data
Jackson, Thomas Vegetation Water Content Order Data
Jackson, Thomas Passive and Active L-band System Order Data
Jackson, Thomas Soil Moisture and Ground Sampling Order Data
Jonsson, Haflidi CIRPAS Order Data
Lopez, Jimena CIRPAS Carbon Monoxide Order Data
Matrosov, Sergey Cloud and Rainfall Parameter Retrievals Order Data
McGill, Matt ER-2 Cloud Lidar Order Data
Ogren, John CESSNA Nephelometer Order Data
Ogren, John CIRPAS Nephelometer Order Data
Ogren, John CESSNA Particle Soot Absorption Photometer (PSAP) Order Data
Ogren, John CIRPAS Particle Soot Absorption Photometer (PSAP) Order Data
Torn, Margaret Radon Order Data
Torn, Margaret CESSNA CO2 Order Data
Torn, Margaret CIRPAS CO2 Order Data
Torn, Margaret CESSNA CARBON FLASKS Order Data
Torn, Margaret CIRPAS CARBON FLASKS Order Data
Xie, Shaocheng Constrained Variational Objective Analysis Data Order Data