Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture


Services Provided

Network Security
Services provided include intrusion prevention and detection (IPS/IDS), vulnerability scanning and remediation, audit logging/monitoring and security patch management.

Security Incident Management
Incident management and forensic collection and analysis are provided for reporting and remediation of security issues.

Data Security
Services provided include encryption, media sanitization, malicious code protection and application security support.

Security Program Management
ITS provides certification and Accreditation (C&A) support for the client agency C&A process, including Security Testing and Evaluation (ST&E) efforts, and providing network, scanning, and hosting support during evaluations.

Continuity Services
This service offer covers all requirements for contingency planning as specified under the Homeland Security requirements as administered by FEMA. This service covers support for both Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) and Disaster Response Testing/Recovery.

Personnel Security
This service provides security training, awareness, and completion of security agreements.

Performance Matrix & Targets

Reporting is subject to baseline measurements and vendor limitations.


Service Type Service
Measurement Perform. Target
Security Incident reportable to USDA/OCIO/
Notification Time Customer Alert < 30 minutes after discovery or within Cyber Security guidelines ITS Logs 95%
Incident Handling Respond and Assess < 4 hours ITS Response Time – USDA/OCIO/
ASOC Incident Notification Time
ITS Logs
Incident Research Review and Provide assessment < 3 business days
ITS Logs
Incident Resolution Duration of Incident Resolution OCIO/CS Timeline Requirement (varies per incident type) Incident Resolution Time - OCIO/CS Incident Notification Time ITS Logs 99%
Network Scanning Completion of Task Quarterly Months in FISMA compliance ÷ 12 (Rolling Average) ITS Scan Database Reports Scanning is limited to systems connected directly to the ITS network environment. 98%
Vulnerability Remediation Vulnerability Assessment Vulnerabilities identified from scans each month are reviewed and appropriate actions initiated.
  • Remediate,
  • Validate False Positive,
  • Initiate Acceptance Paperwork
  • ITS Scan Database Reports

Download the End User Services - Security page from the ITS Service Catalog.