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Reining in Washington Spending and Creating Jobs

Our nation’s job-crushing debt crisis is a symptom—reckless spending is the disease. I am committed to reining in out-of-control spending to revive our economy, create jobs and save our children from a future mired in debt.

Reforming America's Health Care

Our nation’s job-crushing debt crisis is a symptom—reckless spending is the disease. I am committed to reining in out-of-control spending to revive our economy, create jobs and save our children from a future mired in debt.

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Current Issues

Hensarling Statement on Federal Pay Freeze Legislation

WASHINGTON – Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) – a leading conservative and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee – issued the following statement on H.R. 273 which eliminates the 2013 statutory pay adjustment for Federal employees:

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