Mobile Strategy at the Smithsonian

Date: Thursday, July 28, 2011
Presenter: Dr. Nancy Proctor, Smithsonian Institute

On-Demand Webinar

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Government agencies getting into the mobile world face many challenges as the first phase of the Making Mobile Gov Project revealed.  As this project enters its “design” phase, Making Mobile Gov is partnering with DigitalGov University to bring you expertise on creating sound mobile strategy within your agency.  During this webinar, Dr. Nancy Proctor, head of Mobile Strategy and Initiatives for the Smithsonian Institution, will share lessons learned and best practices for developing a mobile strategy in your agency.   At the Smithsonian, Nancy has overseen the creation of various mobile products like the "Encyclopedia of Life," "Meanderthal" and "Leafsnap."

What You'll Learn

  • How to describe critical elements in developing a mobile strategy

  • How to recognize the challenges that come with developing a mobile strategy

  • How to collaborate on lessons learned

About the Presenter

Dr. Nancy Proctor heads up mobile strategy and initiatives for the Smithsonian Institution. With a PhD in American art history and a background in filmmaking, curation and art criticism, Nancy published her first online exhibition in 1995. She co-founded in 1998 with Titus Bicknell to present virtual tours of innovative exhibitions alongside comprehensive global museum and gallery listings. TheGalleryChannel was later acquired by Antenna Audio, where Nancy headed up New Product Development from 2000-2008, introducing the company’s multimedia, sign language, downloadable, podcast and cell phone tours. She also led Antenna’s sales in France from 2006-2007, and worked with the Travel Channel’s product development team. From 2008-2010 she was Head of New Media at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Nancy is program chair for the Museums Computer Network (MCN) conference and co-organizes the Tate Handheld conference among other gatherings for cultural professionals. She also manages, its wiki and podcast series, and is Digital Editor of Curator: the Museum Journal.

Content Lead: DigitalGov University Team
Page Reviewed/Updated: July 28, 2011

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