Frederick County Courthouse (Built 1840). Photo credit: Economic Research Service, USDA
Win-Fred Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
Town of Stephens City SealFrederick County SealCity of Winchester Seal
Frederick County - City of Winchester - Town of Stephens City
Welcome to the WinFred MPO Website






The Winchester Frederick County Metropolitan Planning Organization (WinFred MPO) is working on a pedestrian and bicycle plan for the WinFred MPO area. This plan will help the MPO identify projects and priorities for improving bicycling and walking in the area.

Public involvement is a key component of this plan. If you live, work or travel in the area, please click here and tell us about your experience with the existing walking and bicycling system.


The WinFred MPO was created as a result of the designation of the Winchester-Frederick County Urbanized Area by the U.S Census on May 1, 2002. Federal regulations require an urbanized area to create and maintain an ongoing transportation planning process that is comprised of representatives of the local jurisdictions as well as state and federal transportation officials. Click here to watch an MPO 101 video... Read more about the MPO...

Structure of MPO
Once the MPO was established, a set of By-laws were adopted on March 23, 2003 to create the structure and the representation on the MPO (see link to By-laws). The adopted By-laws of the MPO created three (3) committees as follows:
1. Policy Board
2. Technical Committee
3. Citizens Advisory Committee

Ongoing  Activities: The MPO committees meet on their designated dates as necessary and conduct the affairs of the MPO. The MPO adopts an annual work program and budget each Spring and a listing of all the transportation improvements to receive federal funding.


Millwood Avenue Study Final Report and Appendices(pdf) (May 2011 Large File!)

Shady Elm Access Management Study Phase II Report (pdf) (Large file)

Route 7 Multimodal Corridor Study Report (pdf) (Large file)

City and Countywide Transit Services Final Report (pdf) (Large file)

Route 37 Access Management Study - Final Report (Large file)This is a .zip file- Use WinZip to extract

Bike & Pedestrian Mobility Plan Click here to view the Plan * View the Case Studies * View the Map

Click the link to view the Annual Listing of Federal Obligated Projects: Federal FY 2011

Click link below to review current public documents: None at this time


Upcoming Meetings
The Win-Fred MPO strives to make its meetings accessible to all. Please contact the MPO staff to request special accommodations to attend a meeting.
Public Information Meeting:

None at this time

Policy Board:

Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 @ 10 a.m. -- Frederick County Offices, First Floor Conference Room, 107 N. Kent Street, Winchester, VA

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC):

February 5, 2013 Agenda -- Frederick County Offices, First Floor Conference Room, 107 N. Kent Street, Winchester, VA

Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC):

Date: TBA-- Frederick County Offices, First Floor Conference Room, 107 N. Kent Street, Winchester VA


MPO Contacts
Policy | Technical | Citizens

Click here to submit questions or comments




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