enforcing contracts

AgCLIR Lessons from the Field: Enforcing Contracts

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January 10, 2011

 A country’s adjudication process may not align with the agricultural sector’s contracts pertaining to stored product, forward contracts and outgrower schemes, and price discovery in agricultural trade. AgCLIR Lessons from the Field: Enforcing Contracts is a briefer that highlights the specific issues that must be addressed in regards to the local legal, regulatory, and institutional environments in starting an agribusiness. 


AgCLIR Lessons from the Field: Getting Credit

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Document Type: 
January 10, 2011

There are special risks for providers of agricultural credit including seasonality of production, geographic pockets of business failure, producers’ inability to use real or movable property as collateral, and difficulties in enforcing contracts on intangible property. AgCLIR Lessons from the Field: Getting Credit is a briefer that highlights the specific issues that must be addressed in regards to the local legal, regulatory, and institutional environments in starting an agribusiness. 


AgCLIR Chapter: Enforcing Contracts

Contracts are legally recognized and enforceable agreements between two or more parties for the exchange of goods or services for something of value in return—“consideration.” Consideration is typically money or other assets but can consist of almost anything, even a promise not to do something. The more informal an agricultural enterprise, the more likely contracts will be unwritten (oral) and/or enforced by social and community norms and processes.

AgCLIR Chapter: Getting Credit

Virtually all modern businesses rely upon credit: for operations, to bridge the gap between production of products and payment for them; for investment, as buildings and capital equipment are generally multiples of annual revenues; and to cover swings in supply and demand conditions.

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