customs enforcement

AgCLIR Lessons from the Field: Trading across Borders

Document Type: 
January 10, 2011

Agribusiness relies on sound and consistent trade policy, customs enforcement and efficiency at the border, and a comprehensive and straightforward adherence to international standards. AgCLIR Lessons from the Field: Trading across Borders is a briefer that highlights the specific issues that must be addressed in regards to the local legal, regulatory, and institutional environments in starting an agribusiness.

AgCLIR Chapter: Trading across Borders

The principle that trade and investment are important for economic growth is widely accepted. By trading with other countries and attracting foreign investment, nations can take advantage of global market forces—competition, human resource development, technology transfer, and innovation generate growth and reduce poverty. The agribusiness sector encompasses half of the world’s labor force and 40 percent of consumer purchases.

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