NRL Events

NRL researchers and staff attend specialized conferences and events to engage communities of interest, recruit for science and technical positions, and showcase the broad spectrum of NRL's achievements. Find out where NRL will be next!


Colorado Springs, CO — April 4, 2013 - April 11, 2013
The National Space Symposium brings together space leaders from around the world to discuss, address, and dream about the future of space.
NRL subject matter experts will be in attendance.
National Harbor, MD — April 4, 2013 - April 10, 2013
The Navy League's Sea-Air-Space Exposition brings the U.S. defense industrial base, private-sector U.S. companies, and key military decision makers together for an annual innovative, educational, professional and maritime based event.
NRL subject matter experts will be in attendance.
Baltimore, MD — June 6, 2013 - June 9, 2013
The International Hazardous Materials Response Teams Conference offers hands-on training and education sessions. From transportation and safety to mass decontamination and bioterrorism, the toughest issues in the hazmat industry are being addressed here.
NRL subject matter experts will be in attendance.
See all upcoming Conferences


The Plains, VA — May 11, 2013
The Team America Rocketry Challenge Teams design, build and fly a model rocket that reaches a specific altitude and duration determined by a set of rules developed each year. The contest is designed to encourage students to study math and science and pursue careers in aerospace.
Burkett, TX — June 7, 2013 - June 9, 2013
The CanSat Competition is an annual student design-build-launch competition for space-related topics. Teams design and build a space-type system and then compete against each at the end of two semesters to determine the winners.
NRL is one of the competition sponsors.
See all upcoming Competitions

Recruitment Events

Blacksburg, VA — February 21, 2013
Sponsored by the Council for the Advancement of Minority Engineering Organizations. Meet with NRL representatives to learn about careers, discover internship opportunities, network, present resumes, and make that ever so important first impression.
NRL representatives will be in attendance.
Hattiesburg, MS — February 27, 2013
Meet with NRL representatives to learn about careers, discover internship opportunities, network, present resumes, and make that ever so important first impression.
NRL representatives will be in attendance.
Fredericksburg, VA — March 21, 2013
Meet with NRL representatives to learn about careers, discover internship opportunities, network, present resumes, and make that ever so important first impression.
NRL representatives will be in attendance.
See all upcoming Recruitment Events