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Webinar Description

IntelliDrive Safety Applications for Commercial Vehicles
-1/20/2010 - 1:00 PM EST

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) IntelliDriveSM program is focused on advancing connectivity among vehicles and roadway infrastructure in order to significantly improve the safety and mobility of the U.S. transportation system. The IntelliDrive Program is a major initiative of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration’s Intelligent Transportation Systems Program, in collaboration with many organizations throughout DOT, including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and the Federal Highway Administration. This webinar will provide an overview of the IntelliDrive program, as well as more detailed information on the research plans for Vehicle to Vehicle and Vehicle to Infrastructure safety applications specific to commercial vehicles. In addition, there will be discussion of the establishment of an IntelliDrive Commercial Vehicle Safety Working Group, envisioned to include vehicle equipment manufacturers, suppliers, fleets, researchers, and other stakeholders who are interested in participating in the research, development, and deployment of IntelliDrive Commercial Vehicle Safety Applications.
90 minutes

Presentation Audio: IntelliDrive Safety Applications for Commercial Vehicles  Presentation Audio
Slide presentation: IntelliDrive Safety Applications for Commercial Vehicles  Slides
Transcript: IntelliDrive Safety Applications for Commercial Vehicles  Transcript

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