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Fluxes of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy exchange have been measured at 38 forest, grassland, and crop sites as part of the EUROFLUX and AmeriFlux projects. A total of 97 site-years of data was compiled, primarily between 1996 and 1998 but also for 1992-1995 and 1999-2000. Half-hour flux and meteorology measurements are included plus the gap-filled half-hour estimates and aggregations to day and night, weekly, monthly, and annual periods.

The FLUXNET 2000 Synthesis Workshop was held at the Marconi Conference Center, Marshall, California, June 11-14, 2000. The Marconi Flux Data Collection was compiled to aid in exploring the interactions between the terrestrial biosphere and the overlying atmosphere through carbon, water, and energy exchanges. The workshop resulted in several studies to synthesize and interpret differences and similarities in long-term measurements of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy exchanges between vegetation and the atmosphere for a spectrum of ecosystems. A series of synthesis papers based on these data and studies was published in a special issue of the Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, Volume 113, 2002. The papers are listed in the reference section. This data product is being archived as a record of the data used the AFM special issue. Updates and revisions to the data are available at the FLUXNET web site.

The eddy covariance technique is used for long-term continuous measurements of mass and energy fluxes to capture seasonal dynamics and allow for a meaningful scaling with respect to time. The equipment and methodology were standardized among sites by using common software and instrumentation. Comparisons of ecosystem fluxes among sites are usually performed on annual or monthly sums calculated on complete data records; however, the average site data coverage during a year was only 65%. Therefore, development and application of robust and consistent data gap-filling methods was required before fluxes could be calculated. One of the outcomes of the FLUXNET project was computer applications to process the data into complete, consistent, quality assured, and documented data sets (Falge et al. 2001a,b). Gap-filled flux data from four different filling methods are reported. Selected meteorological parameters were also gap filled to support flux estimating methods and are reported. Note that the measured/estimated CO2 fluxes and storage fluxes were summed into net ecosystem exchange (NEE), and ONLY NEE data are reported. A companion file of related information about this compilation of gap-filled flux products is also provided ( ftp://daac.ornl.gov/data/fluxnet/gap_filled_marconi/comp/Marconi_gapzips_website.pdf ).

Data reported in this data set have been processed from data kindly provided by flux tower scientists. The data were checked, filled by various methods, and processed and aggregated into a consistent format at five time resolutions. A version of the data has been made available, but the data are still subject to change. For example, some of the data for the EUROFLUX sites were updated and expanded as part of the EUROFLUX collection [Valentini R. (ed.) 2003]. For information on updates for all of the Marconi data, users are urged to check the FLUXNET Project Web page (http://daac.ornl.gov/FLUXNET/fluxnet.html) and to communicate with the contributing PIs before using the data.

Users may access the convenient subsetting tool provided in the ORNL DAAC Search and Order system to select data files.

Flux measurement site abbreviations, site names, and locations.

Site Abbreviation Site Abbreviation (Alternate) Site Name Country State Data Range
BR   Brasschaat (De Inslag Forest) Belgium   1997-1998
VI VB Vielsalm Belgium   1996-1998
MA MN Manaus Brazil   1996
NB OBS BOREAS NSA - Old Black Spruce Canada   1994-1998
OA   BOREAS SSA - Old Jack Pine, Saskatchewan Canada   1994
JP   Jack Pine, Saskatchewan Canada   1994
TH   Tharandt Anchor Station Germany   1996-1999
WE   Waldstein/WeidenBrunnen Germany   1996-1998
SO   Soro  (LilleBogeskov) Denmark   1996-1998
HY   Hyytiala Finland   1996-1998
HE   Hesse France   1996-1999
GU   Gunnarsholt Iceland   1996-1998
CP   Castelporziano Italy   1997-1998
LO   Loobos Netherlands   1996-1998
FL   Flakaliden Sweden   1996-1998
NO   Norunda Sweden   1996-1998
AB   Griffin, Aberfeldy UK   1997-1998
AT AQ Atqasuk USA AK 1999
BA BW Barrow USA AK 1998-1999
BL   Blodgett Forest USA CA 1997-2000
BV BN Bondville USA IL 1997-1999
DU   Duke Forest - loblolly pine USA NC 1998-1999
HA HP Happy Valley USA AK 1994-1995
HV HF Harvard Forest USA MA 1992-1999
HL   Howland Forest (main tower) USA ME 1996-1997
LW   Little Washita Watershed USA OK 1996-1998
ME   Metolius Research Natural Area - old ponderosa pine USA OR 1996-1997
NW NR Niwot Ridge Forest USA CO 1999
WL   Park Falls/WLEF USA WI 1997-1999
PO   Ponca City USA OK 1997
UP   Upad USA AK 1994
SH   Shidler USA OK 1997
Sko   Sky Oaks Biological Field Station, Old Stand USA CA 1997-2000
Sky   Sky Oaks Biological Field Station, Young Stand USA CA 1997-2000
WB   Walker Branch Watershed USA TN 1995-1998
WI WC Willow Creek USA WI 1999
WR   Wind River Crane Site USA WA 1998

Data Citation:

Cite this data set as follows:

Falge, E., M. Aubinet, P. Bakwin, D. Baldocchi, P. Berbigier, C. Bernhofer, A. Black, R. Ceulemans, K. Davis, A. Dolman, A. Goldstein, M. Goulden, A. Granier, D. Hollinger, P. Jarvis, N. Jensen, K. Pilegaard, G. Katul, P. Kyaw Tha Paw, B. Law, A. Lindroth, D. Loustau, Y. Mahli, R. Monson, P. Moncrieff, E. Moors, W. Munger, T. Meyers, W. Oechel, E. Schulze, H. Thorgeirsson, J. Tenhunen, R. Valentini, S. Verma, T. Vesala, and S. Wofsy. 2005. FLUXNET Marconi Conference Gap-Filled Flux and Meteorology Data, 1992-2000. Data set. Available on-line [http//www.daac.ornl.gov] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. doi:10.3334/ORNLDAAC/811.

Please refer to the FLUXNET Data Policy ( ftp://daac.ornl.gov/data/fluxnet/gap_filled_marconi/0_DataPolicy.txt ) for additional site investigator acknowledgement and participation guidelines.


Curtis, P. S., P. J. Hanson, P. Bolstad, C. Barford, J. C. Randolph, H. P. Schmid, and K. B. Wilson. 2002. Biometric and eddy-covariance based estimates of annual carbon storage in five eastern North American deciduous forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 113:3-19.

Davidson, E. A., K. Savage, P. Bolstad, D. A. Clark, P. S. Curtis, D. S. Ellsworth, P. J. Hanson, B. E. Law, Y. Luo, K. S. Pregitzer, J. C. Randolph, and D. Zak. 2002. Belowground carbon allocation in forests estimated from litterfall and IRGA-based soil respiration measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 113:39-51.

Davidson, E. A., K. Savage, L. V. Verchot, and Rosa Navarro. 2002. Minimizing artifacts and biases in chamber-based measurements of soil respiration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 113:21-37.

Falge, E., D. Baldocchi, R. J. Olson, P. Anthoni, M. Aubinet, C. Bernhofer, G. Burba, R. Ceulemans, R. Clement, H. Dolman, A. Granier, P. Gross, T. Grünwald, D. Hollinger, N.-O. Jensen, G. Katul, P. Keronen, A. Kowalski, C. Ta Lai, B. E. Law, T. Meyers, J. Moncrieff, E. Moors, J. W. Munger, K. Pilegaard, Ü. Rannik, C. Rebmann, A. Suyker, J. Tenhunen, K. Tu, S. Verma, T. Vesala, K. Wilson, and S. Wofsy. 2001a. Gap filling strategies for defensible annual sums of net ecosystem exchange. Agricultural Forest and Meteorology 107:43-69.

Falge, E., D. Baldocchi, R. J. Olson, P. Anthoni, M. Aubinet, C. Bernhofer, G. Burba, R. Ceulemans, R. Clement, H. Dolman, A. Granier, P. Gross, T. Grünwald, D. Hollinger, N.-O. Jensen, G. Katul, P. Keronen, A. Kowalski, C. Ta Lai, B. E. Law, T. Meyers, J. Moncrieff, E. Moors, J. W. Munger, K. Pilegaard, Ü. Rannik, C. Rebmann, A. Suyker, J. Tenhunen, K. Tu, S. Verma, T. Vesala, K. Wilson, and S. Wofsy. 2001b. Gap filling strategies for longterm energy flux data sets. Agricultural Forest and Meteorology 107:71-77.

Falge, E., D. Baldocchi, J. Tenhunen, M. Aubinet, P. Bakwin, P. Berbigier, C. Bernhofer, G. Burba, R. Clement, K. J. Davis, J. A. Elbers, A. H. Goldstein, A. Grelle, A. Granier, J. Guomundsson, D. Hollinger, A. S. Kowalski, G. Katul, B. E. Law, Y. Malhi, T. Meyers, and R. K. Monso. 2002. Seasonality of ecosystem respiration and gross primary production as derived from FLUXNET measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 113:53-74.

Falge, E., J. Tenhunen, D. Baldocchi, M. Aubinet, P. Bakwin, P. Berbigier, C. Bernhofer, J. Bonnefond, G. Burba, R. Clement, K. Davis, J. Elbers, M. Falk, A. Goldstein, A. Grelle, A. Granier, T. Grunwald, J. Guomundsson, D. Hollinger, I. Janssens, P. Keronen, A. Kowalski, and G. Ka. 2002. Phase and amplitude of ecosystem carbon release and uptake potentials as derived from FLUXNET measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 113:75-95.

Gu, L. H., and D. Baldocchi. 2002. 2000 Fluxnet synthesis - Foreword. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 113:1-2.

Law, B. E., E. Falge, L. Gu, D. D. Baldocchi, P. Bakwin, P. Berbigier, K. Davis, A. J. Dolman, M. Falk, J. D. Fuentes, A. Goldstein, A. Granier, A. Grelle, D. Hollinger, I. A. Janssens, P. Jarvis, N. O. Jensen, G. Katul, Y. Mahli, G. Matteucci, T. Meyers, R. Monson, and W. Munger. 2002. Environmental controls over carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange of terrestrial vegetation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 113:97-120.

Massman, W. J., and X. Lee. 2002. Eddy covariance flux corrections and uncertainties in long-term studies of carbon and energy exchanges. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 113:121-144.

Pattey, E., I. B. Strachan, R. L. Desjardins, and J. Massheder. 2002. Measuring nighttime CO2 flux over terrestrial ecosystems using eddy covariance and nocturnal boundary layer methods. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 113:145-158.

Schmid, H. P. 2002. Footprint modeling for vegetation atmosphere exchange studies: A review and perspective. 2002. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 113:159-183.

Thornton, P. E., B. E. Law, H. L. Gholz, K. L. Clark, E. Falge, D. S. Ellsworth, A. H. Golstein, R. K. Monson, D. Hollinger, M. Falk, J. Chen, and J. P. Sparks. 2002. Modeling and measuring the effects of disturbance history and climate on carbon and water budgets in evergreen needleleaf forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 113:185-222.

Valentini, R. (ed.). 2003. Carbon, Water and Energy Exchanges of European Forests. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. 274 pp.

Wilson, K., A. Goldstein, E. Falge, M. Aubinet, D. Baldocchi, P. Berbigier, C. Bernhofer, R. Ceulemans, H. Dolman, C. Field, A. Grelle, A. Ibrom, B. E. Law, A. Kowalski, T. Meyers, J. Moncrieff, R. Monson, W. Oechel, J. Tenhunen, R. Valentini, and S. Verma. 2002. Energy balance closure at FLUXNET sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 113:223-243.

Data Format:

Gap-Filled Flux Data:

File Naming Convention:

****_aa_bb_cc.flx for fluxes (NEE, LE, H, and G)

'****' serves as site and year identification (e.g., AB97 = Aberfeldy 1997)

  • An "e" appended to the site and year (e.g., AB98e_...) indicates that the data came unmodified from the EUROFLUX-CD (Falge et al., 2002)

  • An "n" appended to the site and year (e.g., BV98n_...) indicates that the data are "new", having been revised and/or reprocessed for this collection

  • Site and year without an appended letter indicates that the data have not been previously released.

'aa' refers to 3 basic gap filling methods: re = nonlinear regression, lu = look up tables, and dc = mean daily courses

'bb' refers to data pretreatment: u0 = u* corrected, and u1 = no correction applied

'cc' refers to time resolution: hh = halfhourly, dd = daily, ww = weekly, mm = monthly, and yy = yearly

Format of daily to yearly calculated flux data files (*.flx):

The data format of daily to yearly files is standardized, and contains 3 blocks of data: total (i.e. day and nighttime), daytime, and nighttime. The data are space-delimited and missing values are set to -9999.

Example data records showing variable column headings, units, and data rows:

Period* Int. NEE NEE_e NEE_g NEE_s LE LE_e LE_g LE_s H H_e H_g H_s G G_e G_g G_s
-- -- gCm-2d-1 gCm-2d-1 % gCm-2d-1 MJm-2d-1 MJm-2d-1 % MJm-2d-1 MJm-2d-1 MJm-2d-1 % MJm-2d-1 MJm-2d-1 MJm-2d-1 % MJm-2d-1
1 tot -9999.0000 8.0000 100.0 1.1772 -9999.0000 4.4714 97.9 9.9099 -9999.0000 5.5000 100.0 0.0000 -9999.0000 0.0000 100.0 0.0000
2 tot -9999.0000 8.0000 100.0 1.1772 -9999.0000 2.9659 58.3 2.7063 -9999.0000 5.5000 100.0 0.0000 -9999.0000 0.0000 100.0 0.0000

* where Period can be Day, Week, Month.

Variable Units (see notes below) Description
Day   Day=digit 1-365 or 366, Week=1-52, Month=1-12 (In yy this column is omitted.)
Int.   tot, day, night refer to total day, daytime only, nighttime only
NEE gC m-2 day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1) Sum of net ecosystem exchange (FC+storage+correction if applied) for time period
NEE_e +/- gC m-2 day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1) Error (+/-) introduced by filling for NEE
NEE_g % Percent gaps filled for period
NEE_s umol m-2 s-1 (for weekly, monthly, yearly; gC m-2 day-1) S.D.
LE MJ m-2 day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1) Sum of latent heat for time period
LE_e +/- MJ m-2 day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1) Error (+/-) introduced by filling for LE
LE_g % Percent gaps filled for period
LE_s W m-2 (for weekly, monthly, yearly; MJ m-2 day-1) S.D.
H MJ m-2 day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1) Sum of sensible heat for time period
H_e +/- MJ m-2 day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1) Error (+/-) introduced by filling for H
H_g % Percent gaps filled for period
H_s W m-2 (for weekly, monthly, yearly; MJ m-2 day-1) S.D.
G MJ m-2 day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1) Sum of soil heat flux for time period
G_e +/- MJ m-2 day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1) Error (+/-) introduced by filling for G (zero in this version)
G_g % Percent gaps filled for period
G_s W m-2 (for weekly, monthly, yearly; MJ m-2 day-1) S.D.

Note 1:  Units for the first 365 rows are for total (i.e., day plus nighttime) data.

Note 2:   Units for daytime only data (rows 366-730) and nighttime only data (rows 731-1095) are per time period. The corresponding daytime and nighttime values are added to give the total.

Format of half-hourly calculated flux data files (*.flx):

The data format of half-hourly files is space-delimited and missing values are set to -9999.

Example data records showing variable column headings, units, and data rows:

Day Hour NEE NEEx LE LEx H Hx Gs Gsx
-- -- umolm-2s-1 -- Wm-2 -- Wm-2 -- Wm-2 --
1 0.50 3.190 1 68.49 0 -9999.00 1 9999.00 1
1 1.00 2.755 1 0.47 1 -9999.00 1 9999.00 1

Variable Units Description
Day   Julian day (1-365 or 366)
Hour   Decimal time of day (end of interval)
NEE umolm-2s-1 Net ecosystem exchange (FC+storage+correction if applied) in micro mole CO2 m-2 s-1
NEEx   Index
LE Wm-2 Latent heat
LEx   Index
H Wm-2 Sensible heat
Hx   Index
Gs Wm-2 Soil heat flux
Gsx   Index

Footnote: Index value for a respective variable indicates the status of the reported half-hourly value.

Index Value Status Reported Value
0 Original value Measured value
1 Missing in original -9999
2 Rejected from original -9999
3 Filled by redundant value Measured value from second instrument
4 Data removed by data provider -9999

Gap-Filled Meteorological Data:

File-Naming Convention:

****cc.met for meteorological data

'****' serves as site and year identification (e.g. AB97 = Aberfeldy 1997)

'cc' refers to time resolution:  hh = halfhourly, dd = daily, ww = weekly, mm = monthly, and yy = yearly

Format for Daily to Yearly Summarized Meteorological Data Files:

The data format of daily to yearly files contains 3 blocs of data: total (i.e., day and nighttime), daytime, and nighttime. The data are space-delimited, and missing values are set to -9999. For selected gap-filled variables, either sum or average / minimum / maximum, percent of gaps filled, and standard deviation (S.D.) are provided. In daily files, S.D. is calculated from 48 half-hourly values. In weekly, monthly, annual files, it is calculated from the respective daily sum or daily mean.

Example data records showing variable column headings, units, and data rows:

Period* Int. Rg Rg_g Rg_s PAR PAR_g PAR_s Ta Ta_g Tami Tamx Ta_s Ts Ts_g Tsmi Tsmx Ts_s RH RH_g RHmi RHmx RH_s VPD VPD_g VPDmi VPDmx VPD_s Ca Ca_g Cami Camx Ca_s Rn Rn_g Rn_s PPT PPT_g PPT_s SWC SWC_g SWC_s WS WS_g WS_s Pa Pa_g Pa_s U* U*_g U*_s
-- -- MJm-2d-1 % MJm-2d-1 molm-2d-1 % molm-2d-1 degC % degC degC degC degC % degC degC degC % % % % % kPa % kPa kPa kPa ppm % ppm ppm ppm MJm-2d-1 % MJm-2d-1 mmd-1 % mmd-1 cm3cm-3 % cm3cm-3 ms-1 % ms-1 kPa % kPa ms-1 % ms-1
1 tot 1.00 100.0 22.41 1.60 100.0 35.39 0.75 100.0 0.40 1.50 0.31 2.90 100.0 2.87 2.94 0.02 98.45 41.7 95.38 100.00 1.66 0.019 100.0 0.004 0.046 0.008 369.4 100.0 367.6 370.4 0.7 -0.61 100.0 13.58 8.0 100.0 0.1 -9999.000 100.0 0.000 0.82 100.0 0.16 95.98 100.0 0.11 0.730 100.0 0.129
2 tot 1.00 100.0 22.41 1.60 100.0 35.39 1.49 56.3 0.40 3.48 1.08 2.90 100.0 2.87 2.94 0.02 95.20 18.8 90.41 100.00 3.66 0.037 100.0 0.004 0.074 0.025 368.7 56.3 363.7 370.4 1.5 -0.61 100.0 13.58 8.0 100.0 0.1 -9999.000 100.0 0.000 0.93 56.3 0.40 95.98 100.0 0.11 0.730 100.0 0.129

* where Period can be Day, Week, or Month

Variable Units (see notes below) Description



Day=digit 1-365 or 366, Week=1-52, Month=1-12 (In yy this column is omitted.)

Int.   tot, day, night refer to total day, daytime only, nighttime only
Rg MJ m-2 day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1)

Sum of global radiation for time period

Rg_g % Percent gaps filled for period
Rg_s MJ m-2 day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1)  S.D. of Rg
PAR mol m-2 day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1) Sum of photosynthetic active radiation for time period
PAR_g % Percent gaps filled for period
PAR_s umol m-2 s-1 (for weekly, monthly, yearly; mol m-2 day-1) S.D.
Ta deg. C Average air temperature (tower top) of time period T
a_g % Percent gaps filled for period
Tami deg. C Minimum air temperature of time period
Tamx deg. C Maximum Air temperature of time period
Ta_s deg. C S.D.
Ts deg. C Average soil temperature (5 cm depth) of time period
Ts_g % Percent gaps filled for period
Tsmi deg. C Minimum soil temperature of time period
Tsmx deg. C Maximum soil temperature of time period
Ts_s deg. C S.D.
RH % Average rel. humidity (tower top) of time period
RH_g % Percent gaps filled for period
RHmi % Minimum rel. humidity of time period
RHmx % Maximum rel. humidity of time period
RH_s % S.D.
VPD kPa Average vapor pressure deficit (tower top) of time period
VPD_g % Percent gaps filled for period
VPDmi kPa Minimum vapor pressure deficit of time period
VPDmx kPa Maximum vapor pressure deficit of time period
VPD_s kPa S.D.
Ca ppm Average CO2 concentration in air (tower top) of time period
Ca_g % Percent gaps filled for period
Cami ppm Minimum CO2 concentration in air of time period
Camx ppm Maximum CO2 concentration in air of time period
Ca_s ppm S.D.
Rn MJ m-2 day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1) Sum of net radiation for time period
Rn_g % Percent gaps filled for period
Rn_s MJ m-2 day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1) S.D. of Rn
PPT mm day-1 (or week-1 or month-1 or year-1) Sum of precipitation
PPT_g % Percent gaps filled for period
PPT_s mm 30min-1 (for weekly, monthly, yearly; mm day-1) S.D.
SWC cm3 H2O cm-3 soil Average soil water content
SWC_g % Percent gaps filled for period
SWC_s cm3 H2O cm-3 soil S.D.
WS m s-1 Average wind speed
WS_g % Percent gaps filled for period
WS_s m s-1 S.D.
Pa kPa Average air pressure
Pa_g % Percent gaps filled for period
Pa_s kPa S.D.
U* m s-1 Average friction velocity
U*_g % Percent gaps filled for period
U*_s m s-1 S.D.

Note 1:  Units for the first 365 rows are for total (i.e., day plus nighttime) data.

Note 2:   Units for daytime only data (rows 366-730) and nighttime only data (rows 731-1095) are per time period. The corresponding daytime and nighttime values are added to give the total.

Format of half-hourly gap-filled meteorological data files:

The data format of half-hourly files is space-delimited, and missing values are set to -9999.

Example data records showing variable column headings, units, and data rows:

Day Hour Rg Rgx PAR PARx Ta Tax Ts Tsx RH RHx VPD VPDx Ca Cax Rn Rnx PPT PPTx SWC SWCx WS WSx Pa Pax Ustar Ustarx
-- -- Wm-2 -- umolm-2s-1 -- degC -- degC -- % -- kPa -- ppm -- Wm-2 -- mm -- cm3cm-3 -- ms-1 -- kPa -- ms-1 --
1 0.50 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.4 1 2.91 1 96.57 2 0.02 1 370.400 1 -12.1 1 0.173 1 -9999.000 1 0.691 1 96.00 1 0.90 1
1 1.00 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.5 1 2.91 1 97.84 2 0.00 1 370.188 1 -10.3 1 0.280 1 -9999.000 1 0.679 1 96.01 1 0.74 1
Variable Units Description
Day   Julian day (1-365 or 366)
Hour   Decimal time of day (end of interval)
Rg  W m-2 Global radiation
Rgx   Index (see table footnote)
PAR  umolm-2s-1 Photosynthetic active radiation in micro mole quantum m-2 s-1
PARx   Index
Ta  deg.C Air temperature (tower top)
Tax   Index
Ts  deg.C Soil temperature (5 cm depth)
Tsx   Index
RH   % Rel. humidity (tower top)
RHx   Index
VPD  kPa Vapor pressure deficit (tower top)
VPDx   Index
Ca  ppm CO2 concentration in air (tower top)
Cax   Index
Rn  W m-2 Net radiation
Rnx   Index
PPT  mm Precipitation
PPTx   Index
SWC  cm3 H2O cm-3 soil Soil water content
SWCx   Index
WS  m s-1 Wind speed
WSx   Index
Pa  kPa Air pressure
Pax   Index
U*  m s-1 Friction velocity
U*x   Index

Footnote: Index value for a respective variable indicates the status of the reported half-hourly value.

Index value Status Reported value
0 Original value Measured value
1 Missing in original -9999
2 Rejected from original -9999
3 Filled by redundant value Measured value from second instrument
4 Data removed by data provider -9999

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Revision Date: August 27, 2010 webmaster