
Rep. Duncan Praises Pat Summitt on House Floor

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Published on Apr 25, 2012

Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-Tenn.) lead a tribute to University of Tennessee Women's Basketball Head Coach Emeritus Pat Summitt Wednesday, saying our Nation is "a better place today because of her work with young people and the inspiring example that she has set for all of us."

Duncan, dean of the Tennessee's Congressional delegation, was joined on the floor by fellow Tennessee Representatives Stephen Fincher, Scott DeJarlais, and Chuck Fleischmann.

Rep. Duncan's full remarks can be found here: http://duncan.house.gov/2012/04/dunca...

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  • Teskulthor

    She will be missed... What a great coach she was!

    I am so glad you are my Representative Mr.Duncan Tennessee needs you! :)


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