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Toxic Substances Hydrology Program


Patents held by Toxics Program scientists

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Baesman, S.M., Oremland, R.S., and Miller, L.G., 2005,
A bioreactor for the oxidation of the fumigant methyl bromide: U.S. Patent No. 6,916,446.
Coplen, T.B., 2010,
Sequential, time-integrated collector of precipitation, ground water, and surface water for analysis of isotopes: U.S. Patent No. 7,687,028.
Masoner, J.R., and Christenson, S.C., 2007,
Adjustable floating open-water evaporation pan: U.S. Patent No. 7,162,923 B1.
Murphy, F., Kuwabara, J.S., Topping, B.R., Parchaso, F., and Myhre, R.C., 2011,
Pore-water profiler: United States Patent No. 8,051,727.
Oremland, R.S., 1993,
Selenate removal from waste water: U.S. Patent No. 5,271,831.
Oremland, R.S., 1991,
Selenate removal from waste water: U.S. Patent No. 5,009,786.
Oremland, R.S., Connell, T.L., and Miller, L.G., 2000,
Method for enhancing oxidation of methyl bromide with strain IMB-1 (ATCC200197) during agricultural fumigations: U.S. Patent No. 6,013,254.
Smith, R.L., 2005,
Small-scale hydrogen-oxidizing-denitrifying bioreactor: U.S. Patent No. 6,863,815 B1.

There are 8 publications in this section of the bibliography. The above list is sorted by author. The Toxics Bibliographic Data Base was last updated on 2/7/13.

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