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Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights

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Heading 2 - Table Of Contents
Heading 4 - Table Of Contents
Heading 7 - Table Of Contents (Parts 1 - 1)
Section 1.1 - Addresses for correspondence with the Patent and Trademark Office.
Section 1.2 - Business to be transacted in writing.
Section 1.3 - Business to be conducted with decorum and courtesy.
Section 1.4 - Nature of correspondence and signature requirements.
Section 1.5 - Identification of application, patent or registration.
Section 1.6 - Receipt of correspondence.
Section 1.7 - Times for taking action; Expiration on Saturday, Sunday or Federal holiday.
Section 1.8 - Certificate of mailing or transmission.
Section 1.9 - Definitions.
Section 1.10 - Filing of correspondence by “Express Mail.”