Senate Democrats

Senate Floor Wrap Up for Friday, December 28, 2012


1) Adoption of the Wyden amendment #3439 to H.R.5949, the FISA Reauthorization Act; NOT AGREED TO: 43-52

2) Passage of H.R.5949, FISA Reauthorization; PASSED: 73-23

3) Adoption of the Bingaman amendment #3344 to H.R.1, the legislative vehicle for the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill; NOT AGREED TO: 52-43

4) Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to Tester amendment #3350 to H.R.1; NOT WAIVED: 51-44

5) Adoption of the Coburn amendment #3368 to H.R.1; NOT AGREED TO: 44-51

6) Adoption of the Coburn amendment #3370, as modified, Division II, to H.R.1; NOT AGREED TO: 35-60

7) Adoption of the Coburn amendment #3371 to H.R.1; NOT AGREED TO: 40-55

8) Adoption of the Coburn amendment #3382 to H.R.1; NOT AGREED TO: 48-47

9) Adoption of the Paul amendment #3376 to H.R.1; NOT AGREED TO: 42-52

10) Adoption of the Paul amendment #3410 to H.R.1; NOT AGREED TO: 3-91

11) Adoption of the McCain amendment #3355 to H.R.1; NOT AGREED TO: 46-49

12) Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to Merkley amendment #3367, as modified further; NOT WAIVED: 55-40

13) Adoption of the Coats amendment #3391; NOT AGREED TO: 41-54

14) Passage of H.R.1, the legislative vehicle for the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill, as amended; PASSED: 62-32



Passed S.3454, Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal year 2013 with a Feinstein-Chambliss substitute amendment by voice vote.

Discharged the Foreign Relations Committee and Passed H.R.1464, North Korean Refugee Adoption Act with a Burr substitute amendment and a title amendment.

Passed H.R.6014, Katie Sepich Enhanced DNA Collection Act of 2012.

Discharged the Judiciary Committee and Passed H.R.6620, the Former Presidents Protection Act

Passed H.R.6621, an Act to correct and improve certain provisions of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act and title 35, United States Code with a Leahy-Grassley substitute amendment.