Senate Democrats

3 roll call votes at 5:30pm

At 5:30pm tonight, the Senate will proceed to a series of up to 3 roll call votes in relation to the following amendments to H.R.5949, FISA:


-       Leahy #3437 (substitute);

-       Merkley #3534 (declassification of FISA court opinions); and

-       Paul #3436 (searches and seizures).


There will be 2 minutes for debate between each vote. All votes after the first vote will be 10 minutes in duration. When the Senate convenes tomorrow, there will be 30 minutes for debate prior to a vote in relation to the Wyden amendment (public reporting) and passage of H.R.5949, as amended, if amended. Under the previous order, the amendments and passage of the FISA bill are subject to 60 affirmative vote thresholds.


Senator Reid has asked senators with amendments to the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill to call up and debate their amendments tonight so that we can begin voting on the amendments tomorrow.