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Headquarters Marine Corps

Headquarters Marine Corps News

First female Marine One pilot lifts off for the last time with first all female crew

July 21, 2009 — Flying the president from the White House to Andrews Air Force Base is a routine mission for Marine Helicopter Squadron One, but when the presidential helicopter Marine One lifted off from the South Lawn at the White House July 16, its crew was anything but the norm. Maj. Jennifer Grieves is the first female Marine One aircraft commander and she MORE
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July 10, 2009 — Despite the job one has in the Corps, the motto ‘every Marine is a rifleman’ still stands. Building on this philosophy, the band officer of the Albany Marine Band created a show depicting the motto.‘We are Marines’ is the message Chief Warrant Officer 2 Christian E. Flores, band officer, wants his team of musicians to portray to all of their MORE
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Brig. Gen. Nicholson: ‘The intention was to go in big, strong, fast’

July 09, 2009 — More than 4,000 Marines and sailors from the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade were inserted into the Helmand River Valley of Southern Afghanistan July 2, launching the largest offensive push into the region since Operation Enduring Freedom began. Brig. Gen. Lawrence D. Nicholson, commanding general of 2nd MEB, provided an operational update on the MORE
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Two worlds collide

July 03, 2009 — During a visit to the Pentagon June 26, business executives heard firsthand from the commandant concerns over the growing “regional instability” in Korea, and the Corps’ ability to launch an amphibious assault overseas at any given moment. While Gen. James T. Conway met with members from New England’s chapter of the Young Presidents MORE
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