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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Electronic Monitoring for Alaska Groundfish and Halibut/Sablefish Fisheries

Electronic Monitoring (Video)

A number of electronic monitoring technologies have been applied to fisheries monitoring. Video based technologies are of increasing interest, and are being used in several applications in the North Pacific and elsewhere. Within the North Pacific, video technology has been proposed as a potential way to supplement existing observer coverage; enhance the value of the data NMFS receives; and/or fill data gaps that have proven difficult to fill with human observers. Some video applications are in place, while others are being developed or are under consideration.

An Electronic Fisheries Monitoring Workshop was conducted July 29-30, 2008 to assess the current status of video monitoring technology for fisheries, its applicability to research and management in the North Pacific, its future potential, and research and development needs.

Contact Information

Alan Kinsolving
NMFS At-Sea Scales Program Coordinator
2245 CO Bar Trail
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
PH: (928)-774-4362
FX: (928)-774-4362
Email: alan.kinsolving@noaa.gov

Jennifer Watson
CMP/CMCP Program Coordinator
PO Box 21668
Juneau, AK 99802
PH: (907)-586-7537 or (907)-586-7228
FX: (907)-586-7465
Email: jennifer.watson@noaa.gov

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