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U.S. Response & Assistance
  • U.S. Response to the Earthquakes and Tsunami in Japan
    U.S. Response to the Earthquakes and Tsunami in Japan

    March 16, 2011 - At the request of the Japanese government, the United States is mobilizing military and civilian assistance for relief efforts throughout Japan, U.S. Ambassador John Roos says. 

  • One Year Commemoration of Haiti's Earthquake
    One Year Commemoration of Haiti's Earthquake

    On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 earthquake devastated Haiti. The United States has worked with the government and citizens of Haiti, NGOs and the international community to rebuild. 

  • Earthquake in Chile
    Earthquake in Chile

    February 27, 2010 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Earlier today, a devastating earthquake struck the nation of Chile, affecting millions of people. This catastrophic event was followed by multiple aftershocks, and has prompted tsunami warnings across the Pacific Ocean. Earlier today, I was briefed by my national security team on the steps that we’re ... 

  • Earthquake in Haiti
    Earthquake in Haiti

    January 16, 2010 PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good morning, everybody. In times of great challenge in our country and around the world, Americans have always come together to lend a hand and to serve others and to do what's right. That's what the American people have been doing in recent days with their extraordinary generosity and contributions to ...  







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