2001 Awards

2001 Vice Admiral Harold G. Bowen Award for Patented Inventions from the Office of Naval Research: - Mr. George Kang and Mr. Larry Fransen for their voice communication processing system to improve speech communication a low data rates.

ASM International Marcus A. Grossman Young Author Award: - Dr. Richard Fonda and Dr. George Spanos for their paper published in the September 2000 issue of Metallurgical Materials Transactions A.

Zeldovich Silver Medal, Russian Academy of Sciences and the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): - Dr. Stephen Eckermann, for "significant contributions to the observational study and theoretical modeling of the dynamics of the Earth's upper atmosphere."

ASM International Burgess Memorial Award: - Dr. Khershed P. Cooper "for his contributions to the fields of liquid metal atomization, superplastic behavior of high carbon steels and artificial diamond planarization.

Stellar Award, Rotary National Award for Space Achievement Foundation: - Dr. Russ Howard, for "contributions to imaging of the solar corona and demonstrating the relationship of coronal mass ejections to geomagnetic storms."

Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer: - Drs. Jerry Meyer, Igor Vurgaftman, Dr. Filbert Bartoli, and Dr. Craig Hoffman for the successful transfer to a commercial product of the Quantitative Mobility Spectrum Analysis technology for characterization of electronic materials.

Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer: - Drs. John Reintjes, John Tucker, Abraham Schultz, Mr. Jefferson Willey and Ms. Amy O'Brien for their role as team members in the transfer to a commercial product of the LaserNet Fines optical monitor for engine wear analysis.

Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer: - Drs. Richard Colton, David Kidwell, Gil Lee, David Baselt, and Dr. John-Bruce Green for the development and transfer of biosensor technology based on atomic force microscopy.

Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer: - Mr. Vincent Park in recognition of his participation in the transfer of the Temporally-ordered Routing Algorithm for use in commercial routers for network systems.

TMS/ASM Joint Distinguished Lectureship in Materials and Society Award & ASM Distinguished Life Membership Award: - Dr. Bhakta Rath, "for his visionary leadership in guiding leading-edge research for national security."

Women of Color Technology Award in Government and Defense for Lifetime Achievement: - Dr. Patricia Tatem "for promoting significant minority achievement in engineering, science and technology."

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