Web Content Managers Forum

Who Are We?  

The Web Content Managers Forum is an ad hoc group of over 3,000 federal, state, local, and tribal U.S. government web managers who are responsible for the content of our agencies' websites. Many of us are members of Policy, Communications, CIO, or Public Affairs staffs, or other management offices in our agencies. We've been working together since October 2000 to improve the content and usability of U.S. government websites.

What We Do

Members communicate and collaborate to share ideas, challenges, lessons learned, and best practices in managing the content of government websites. 

How to Join  

Any government employee or contractor from any level of U.S. Government–federal,state, local, or tribal–is welcome to join our online community. Note there is a different registration process for federal government staff versus other levels of government.

U.S. federal government employees and contractors with a government email address:

  1. Register via the MAX Federal Community
  2. Choose "Web and New Media Community"
  3. Government employees will be added to the Web Content Managers Listserv

State, local, territorial, or tribal U.S. government employees and contractors with a government email address:

  1. Complete the Non-Federal Employee Registration
  2. Follow instructions in email confirmation from MAX
  3. Government employees will be added to the Web Content Managers Listserv

Learn about other networks and groups for government web content managers.



Content Lead: Alycia Piazza
Page Reviewed/Updated: January 3, 2013

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