

Owner of Chicago Company Convicted in Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Fraud Case

June 28, 2005


On June 28, a jury in U.S. District Court in Chicago found Adam Babul, the owner and president of Bamba, Inc. (Bamba), guilty of conspiracy related to guaranteeing Wisconsin CDLs to Illinois residents in exchange for cash payments of up to $2,000. (Bamba is a firm providing assistance to individuals seeking legal documents and legal status in the United States.) In June 2004, an indictment charged Babul, Bamba, and three Bamba employees with conspiracy and bank fraud. The conspiracy involved the defendants assisting Illinois residents in obtaining Wisconsin bank accounts to provide proof of residency, transporting CDL applicants to Wisconsin, and providing written test answers by a language translator at the test site. During the week of June 20 2005, the three Bamba employees pled guilty and await sentencing in September 2005. Sentencing for Babul is scheduled for October 14, 2005. The investigation is being conducted jointly with the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. In addition, Nasko Nazov, a former driver for World Truck, Chicago, IL, pled guilty in U.S. District Court in Chicago on June 24 to lying to a federal grand jury investigating allegations of Illinois residents fraudulently obtaining Wisconsin CDLs. Nazov falsely stated that he had moved to Wisconsin during the time of his application for a Wisconsin CDL. Sentencing is scheduled for September 10, 2005. In March 2004, while operating a commercial motor vehicle in Tennessee, Nazov caused a traffic accident, which resulted in the death of a family of four; the state of Tennessee has issued an arrest warrant, charging him with reckless vehicular homicide.
