
The Gyrocopter Mailman Gets a Four-Month Sentence

The Florida man flew onto the West Lawn of the Capitol in 2015 to demand campaign-finance reform.

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Senator Decries ‘Shameful’ Colleagues for Leaving USPS Board With Only One Member

Committee has confirmed six nominees, but the full Senate has yet to vote on any of them.


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Fedblog Director of National Intelligence James Clapper

How the Top Spy Escaped Jury Duty

His job responsibilities weren't what got him excused.

Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas is one of the sponsors.

Bill Helping Combat-Wounded Vets Recoup Lost Severance Pay Advances

Defense has been improperly taxing the disability compensation of certain vets for more than two decades.

GSA Administrator Denise Turner Roth

GSA Asks Congress for Money to Upgrade Federal Courthouses

Courts officers express gratitude for proposed projects they consider long overdue.

From Washington to Tubman: A Quick History of the $20 bill

It turns out, redesigns used to be quite common.

On Politics

Would Clinton Pick a Female Running Mate?

A top aide to the Democratic frontrunner has said there are women on her short list for VP.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump acknowledges supporters while leaving Trump Tower in New York April 9.

How a President Trump or Clinton Could Upend the Constitution

Presidents Obama and Bush expanded presidential authority significantly. It’s a dangerous precedent.

Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., attends a press conference in July highlighting the positive aspects of the Affordable Care Act.

How Democrats Would Change Obamacare

If they keep the White House and win the Senate—and don’t have to focus their energy on blocking repeal—Democrats have some things about the Affordable Care Act they’d like to fix.

Excellence in Government

The Science of Job Interviews

We have a bias toward positive information when we’re judging a person’s abilities.

Many on the Hill Fear a 'Zombie' Congress

Some congressional Republicans want to put an end all lame-duck legislation—lest members yield to the urge “to feast upon the hard-earned tax dollars of the living.”

Play of the Day: More on the Harriet Tubman $20

Jackson and Tubs sounds like a buddy cop movie more than currency design.