

Review Announced of Amtrak's Board of Directors' Responsibilities

September 26, 2006


In response to a request from the House Minority Members of Amtrak Working Group, our office will conduct a review of how Amtrak's Board of Directors carries out its responsibilities. In addition, we will review the Board's expenses from Fiscal Year 2002 to the present. The objectives of this review are to determine (1) the rules, procedures and authorities under which the Board operates, and whether the: (2) Board has followed established processes and procedures, (3) Board has set long-term goals and performance objectives for Amtrak, (4) processes and procedures that the Board follows are sufficient for ensuring oversight of, and requiring accountability from, Amtrak management, and (5) Board members' expenses comply with corporate guidelines and whether those guidelines are sufficient to ensure prudent use of corporate resources. The results of our review will aid in identifying whether potential reforms to improve the Board's performance are needed.
