SBIR/STTR Highlights

If you have successfully commercialized a technology that resulted from a DOE SBIR or STTR Phase II award and want to share this highlight, please refer to this template.docx file (34KB) for guidance on how to submit a DOE SBIR/STTR Highlight.

All-solid battery composed of lithium tin phosphorous sulfide solid electrolyte.11.25.15SBIR STTR Highlight

A Safer Replacement for Highly Flammable Liquids Currently Used in Li-ion Batteries

NEI replaced liquid with solid material that allows for a no-liquid battery. Read More »

Top image: Filmwise condensation (FWC), Bottom image: Dropwise condensation (DWC)01.01.13SBIR/STTR Highlight

NEI Corporation Technology Promotes Efficiency in Heat Exchangers

NEI’s SuperCondenser™ technology increases the energy efficiency of a power plant’s condensing steam turbine by allowing steam to condense into water more efficiently. Read More »

Last modified: 11/9/2015 9:00:32 PM