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Pipeline Safety Stakeholder Communications

Pipeline Safety Connects Us All

Pipeline Incidents and Mileage Reports

PHMSA is committed to a data-driven approach to developing and refining pipeline safety programs.

The reports provided below present information and varied looks at trends related to pipeline incidents over the past 20 years

Serious Incidents

Tables and charts about pipeline incidents involving a fatality or injury requiring in-patient hospitalization.

Significant Incidents

Tables and charts pertaining to pipeline incidents which meet a number of predefined conditions, including a minimum value for property damage, value or volume of product lost and criterion for fire and/or explosion.

All Reported Incidents

Tables and charts covering all pipeline incidents reported to PHMSA in accordance with reporting criterion which has changed over time. Serious and Significant Incident data sets are drawn from this data.

Consequences to the Public and the Pipeline Industry

Pipeline incidents affect both the general public and the pipeline industry. This report shows the impact on each of these stakeholder groups.

Directory of State Detail Reports

A detailed profile of the pipeline system including incidents and pipeline mileage in each state.

Incident Data Access

Download the raw data used to generate the reports above.

The reports provided here are generated from numerous data sources maintained by PHMSA. These data sources span decades of collection, evolving methods of oversight and multiple reporting formats. To generate these reports, PHMSA has standardized the data over various file formats, normalized incident costs over time to a common basis year, and standardized incident cause categories - all with the goal of producing a coherent and meaningful picture of National and State-specific trends in pipeline incidents. Should you prefer to produce your own analysis, the raw data used in these reports is available.

Please note that in some of these reports, the costs associated with incidents are provided in 2011 dollars. We have converted the cost of gas lost during a pipeline incident using the Energy Information Administration, Natural Gas City Gate Prices. For all other costs, we applied the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Government Printing Office inflation values.

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