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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Training and Workforce Development


The Organizational and Workforce Management Section (ARHM) is committed to providing quality training opportunities to develop and enable employees and supervisors to realize their potential by strengthening their knowledge, skills, and professional/leadership competencies. HROM training opportunities are open to civilian employees, supervisors and managers. 


The civilian workforce development specialists in ARHM provide advice and guidance to individual civilians and supervisors, as well as organizational leaders. Services include providing information on civilian training regulations and policies, identifying training and development needs, and building training and development plans to meet those needs within current and projected budgetary restraints.

ARHM has developed an Individual Development Plan (IDP) Guide for supervisors and employees to collaboratively develop an IDP. Specialists can assist employees and supervisors in identifying appropriate training and development activities based on the IDP goals and objectives.

ARHM also provides advice and guidance on the completion and submission of Standard Form 182 (SF182), Authorization, Agreement and Certification of Training for Headquarters, Marine Corps civilian employees.

For more information, please contact the Workforce Development office at (703) 604-4465 or email us at

Training Room

Click here for Training Details
and Registration


Workforce Development Contacts
NameSorted By Name In Ascending OrderPositionPhoneEmail Address
Burton, Julie ETraining Officer
(703) 604-4506
Hannah, ChristineDeputy Section Head, ARHM
(703) 604-4620
Norris, HollyManagement Assistant
(703) 604-4465
Taylor, Nathan G.Management Analyst
(703) 604-4637
Williams, Ryan M.Management Analyst
(703) 604-4666


On-site Civilian/Supervisor Training
Monthlly Civilian Training Announcement   Adobe Document
Annual Civilian On-Site Training Schedule  Adobe Document
Training Coordinator Master List  Adobe Document
Individual Development Plan (IDP) Handbook   Adobe Document
Application for training (SF-182)   Adobe Document
Our Contact Information


Organizational and Workforce Management Section
Headquarters, US Marine Corps
Naval Support Facility (NSF) Arlington
Suite 2300
701 South Courthouse Road
Arlington, VA 22204-2164

Telephone: (703) 604-2755
DSN: 664-2755
Fax: (703) 604-6662




Human Resources and Organizational Management Branch
Pentagon, Room 2C253
Washington, DC 20350

Telephone: (571) 256-9539
