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The Cray Compiling Environment (CCE) is a release of the Cray Fortran and Cray C compilers for use on x86-based Cray systems. The Cray Fortran compiler has full support for the Fortran 2003 standard, and support for Fortran 2008 coarrays, submodules, block constructs and more.

The following information is available by running module help cce

The modulefile, cce, defines the system paths and environment
variables needed to run the Cray Compile Environment.

Type "module avail cce" to see if other versions of this product
are available on this system. Use "module switch" to change versions.

Cray Compiling Environment 8.0.1 (CCE 8.0.1)
    The CCE 8.0.1 update provides bugfixes to the CCE 8.0.0 release for Cray XE 

    Bugs fixed in 8.0.1 are:
      778781 PDGCS Internal error traceback when compiling with CCE 8.0.xx
      778963 Identifier "x" is undefined. when compiling with -M option 
      779047 CP2K -O2 miscompilation of recursive subroutine 
      762378 type-bound generic resolution fails with pass object argument 
      779646 INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: "_expr_type: Invalid table type" 
             (v_expr_utl.c 86926, line 6067) 
      777705 num_threads clause not effective with cce/7.4.2 
      778031 Bug Report Cray Fortran compiler 
      779394 produce incorrect results if compile with -O1 or higher

      Support for CCE on Cray XT systems will continue to be provided with 
      updates to the CCE 7.4 release. The CCE 8.0 release branch is 
      supported on the Cray XE and XK systems only.

      The CCE 8.0.1 release is supported on Cray XE systems that run on the Cray
      Linux Environment (CLE) operating system, version 3.1 and later and on the
      Cray XK systems that run the Cray Linux Environment 4.0 UP01 and later.

      CCE 8.0.1 requires that gcc/4.4.4 be installed. GCC 4.4.4 does not need to
      be a default GNU environment.
      Cray Performance Measurement and Analysis Tools dependency:
        - cce/8.0.0 or later compiles using -h profile_generate require 
          perftools/5.3.0 in order to provide loop work estimates.
        - perftools/5.3.0 is required to support the PGAS (UPC, CAF) runtime
          library changes made in CCE 8.0

      The Cray Compiling Environment 8.0.1 update requires the following supporting
      asynchronous software products:
        Cray Compiler Drivers (xt-asyncpe) 5.04 or later
        GNU GCC 4.4.4 must be installed, but is not required to be the default GCC
        PMI 2.1.4 or later
        Cray Scientific Libraries (LibSci) 11.0.00 or later

     The Cray Compiling Environment 8.0.1 update requires the following minimum
     version if these products are used:
        PETSc 3.1.05 or later
        hdf5-netcdf 1.8 (HDF5 1.85 and netcdf 4.1.1)
        MPT 5.2.3 or later
        acml 4.4.0 or later. To use acml 5.0, gcc 4.6.1 must be installed.
        Cray Performance Measurement and Analysis Tools 5.3.0
  Installation instructions:
    To install the CCE programming environment:
      rpm -ivh cce-8.0.1-107.x86_64.rpm

    To make CCE 8.0.1 the default version of CCE, execute:

  Certain components, files or programs contained within this package or product 
  are Copyright -2011 Cray Inc. All rights reserved.

To re-display cce/8.0.1 release information,
type:    less /opt/cray/cce/8.0.1/release_info

Available Versions

System Application/Version Build
Titan cce/7.4.3 universal
Titan cce/8.0.0 universal
Titan cce/ universal
Titan cce/ universal
Titan cce/8.0.1 universal
Titan cce/8.0.2 universal
Titan cce/ universal
Titan cce/8.0.3 universal
Titan cce/8.0.4 universal
Titan cce/8.0.6 universal
Titan cce/ universal
Titan cce/ universal
Titan cce/ universal