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Lens Overview

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Lens is a (77)-node commodity-type Linux cluster. The primary purpose of Lens is to provide a conduit for large-scale scientific discovery via data analysis and visualization of simulation data generated on Titan. Users with accounts on Titan-supported projects will automatically be given an account on Lens.

High-memory Nodes

(45) High-memory nodes are configured with (4) 2.3 GHz AMD Opteron processors and (128) GB of memory.

GPU Nodes

The remaining (32) GPU nodes are configured with (4) 2.3 GHz AMD Opteron processors and (64) GB of memory. These nodes also contain an NVIDIA 8800 GTX GPU with (768) MB of memory and an NVIDIA Tesla GPGPU with (4) GB of memory.

File Systems

The OLCF’s center-wide Lustre file system, named Spider, is available on Lens for computational work. With over 52,000 clients and (10) PB of disk space, it is the largest-scale Lustre file system in the world. A separate, NFS-based file system provides $HOME storage areas, and an HPSS-based file system provides Lens users with archival spaces.