NC SM 06/00/2010 Table: Monroe, LA, Summary, March 2010 Table 1. Summary: Mean hourly earnings(1) and weekly hours for selected worker and establishment characteristics, Monroe, LA, March 2010 Civilian Private industry State and local government workers workers workers Hourly earnings Hourly earnings Hourly earnings Worker and establishment characteristics Mean Mean Mean weekly weekly weekly Relative hours(- Relative hours(- Relative hours(- Mean error(2) 3) Mean error(2) 3) Mean error(2) 3) (percen- (percen- (percen- t) t) t) All workers........................................................... $16.45 5.1 35.4 $16.07 6.4 34.9 $18.06 5.0 37.5 Worker characteristics(4)(5) Management, professional, and related............................... 24.17 7.7 35.2 23.40 9.6 34.7 27.32 7.2 37.5 Management, business, and financial............................... 26.04 11.8 35.5 25.51 14.3 34.8 28.46 12.4 38.8 Professional and related.......................................... 23.70 8.8 35.1 22.84 11.0 34.6 27.06 7.6 37.2 Service............................................................. 10.17 11.8 32.5 8.47 13.2 30.9 13.88 5.7 36.8 Sales and office.................................................... 13.09 6.9 35.6 12.88 8.3 35.4 14.45 7.7 37.3 Sales and related................................................. 15.48 20.0 33.3 15.75 20.2 33.1 – – – Office and administrative support................................. 12.00 3.6 36.8 11.34 3.4 36.7 14.99 5.5 37.0 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance.................... – – – – – – 13.97 7.6 40.0 Construction and extraction...................................... – – – – – – 14.12 10.3 40.0 Installation, maintenance, and repair............................. 16.33 26.2 41.5 16.67 30.0 41.6 – – – Production, transportation, and material moving..................... 14.72 6.9 38.0 14.98 8.4 38.1 13.56 4.6 37.6 Production........................................................ 15.62 11.5 39.3 15.54 11.8 39.3 – – – Transportation and material moving................................ 13.95 14.6 36.9 14.30 20.4 36.7 13.19 5.8 37.4 Full time........................................................... 17.29 4.4 39.3 16.93 5.5 39.2 18.67 5.1 39.7 Part time........................................................... 11.43 20.8 22.1 11.57 23.2 22.1 10.15 7.5 22.0 Union............................................................... 19.07 7.1 40.3 – – – – – – Nonunion............................................................ 16.15 5.5 34.9 15.67 6.8 34.5 18.52 4.6 36.7 Time................................................................ 16.27 5.3 35.0 15.81 6.7 34.4 18.06 5.0 37.5 Incentive........................................................... 19.42 13.8 44.0 19.42 13.8 44.0 – – – Establishment characteristics Goods producing..................................................... (6) (6) (6) – – – (6) (6) (6) Service providing................................................... (6) (6) (6) 15.83 7.8 34.6 (6) (6) (6) 1-99 workers........................................................ 16.01 9.4 34.2 16.16 10.1 34.0 14.28 8.1 36.7 100-499 workers..................................................... 15.98 5.1 36.3 15.38 5.5 36.1 17.58 7.4 37.0 500 workers or more................................................. 18.56 3.9 37.6 17.05 6.2 36.9 20.96 2.5 38.7 1 Earnings are the straight-time hourly wages or salaries paid to employees. They include incentive pay, cost-of-living adjustments, and hazard pay. Excluded are premium pay for overtime, vacations, holidays, nonproduction bonuses, and tips. The mean is computed by totaling the pay of all workers and dividing by the number of workers, weighted by hours. See appendix A for more information. 2 The relative standard error (RSE) is the standard error expressed as a percent of the estimate. It can be used to calculate a "confidence interval" around a sample estimate. For more information about RSEs, see appendix A. 3 Mean weekly hours are the hours an employee is scheduled to work in a week, exclusive of overtime. 4 Employees are classified as working either a full-time or a part-time schedule based on the definition used by each establishment. Union workers are those whose wages are determined through collective bargaining. Wages of time workers are based solely on hourly rate or salary; incentive workers are those whose wages are at least partially based on productivity payments such as piece rates, commissions, and production bonuses. 5 Workers are classified by occupation using the 2000 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. See appendix B for more information. 6 Estimates for goods-producing and service-providing industries are published for private industry only. Industries are determined by the 2007 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). NOTE: Dashes indicate that no data were reported or that data did not meet publication criteria. SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Compensation Survey. Table 2. Civilian workers: Mean hourly earnings(1) for full-time and part-time workers(2) by work levels(3), Monroe, LA, March 2010 Total Full-time workers Part-time workers Occupation(4) and level Relative Relative Relative Mean error(5) Mean error(5) Mean error(5) (percent) (percent) (percent) All workers........................................................... $16.45 5.1 $17.29 4.4 $11.43 20.8 Management occupations.............................................. 29.38 19.5 30.56 25.4 – – Business and financial operations occupations....................... 21.08 13.7 21.08 13.7 – – Community and social services occupations........................... – – 19.86 13.5 – – Education, training, and library occupations........................ 22.08 29.6 – – – – Healthcare practitioner and technical occupations................... 23.66 4.8 22.82 5.6 28.32 7.5 Level 8 .................................................. 25.70 2.3 25.70 2.6 – – Registered nurses................................................. 26.90 3.0 – – – – Level 8 .................................................. 24.79 2.5 – – – – Healthcare support occupations...................................... 9.76 11.3 – – – – Protective service occupations...................................... 17.80 11.4 18.40 12.3 – – Level 6 .................................................. 17.10 23.0 17.10 23.0 – – Police officers................................................... 21.51 .6 21.91 .5 – – Police and sheriff's patrol officers............................ 21.51 .6 21.91 .5 – – Food preparation and serving related occupations.................... 6.44 12.3 – – 5.81 .0 Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations........... 12.17 7.9 12.17 7.9 – – Building cleaning workers......................................... 9.18 3.7 9.18 3.7 – – Personal care and service occupations............................... 9.32 4.8 – – – – Sales and related occupations....................................... 15.48 20.0 18.34 20.0 7.99 2.3 Level 3 .................................................. 9.16 7.0 – – – – Retail sales workers.............................................. 10.54 13.3 12.49 8.1 7.99 2.3 Level 3 .................................................. 9.16 7.0 – – – – Cashiers, all workers........................................... 8.96 6.8 – – – – Cashiers...................................................... 8.96 6.8 – – – – Retail salespersons............................................. 9.02 10.9 – – – – Office and administrative support occupations....................... 12.00 3.6 12.34 3.8 9.26 4.2 Level 3 .................................................. 10.16 1.9 10.34 1.7 – – Level 4 .................................................. 11.75 6.0 11.75 6.0 – – Level 5 .................................................. 16.87 6.0 16.87 6.0 – – Not able to be leveled.................................... 12.55 1.4 12.82 1.1 – – Customer service representatives.................................. 11.55 4.2 11.76 5.0 – – Not able to be leveled.................................... 12.22 3.6 12.50 2.1 – – Office clerks, general............................................ 11.82 5.3 11.91 5.4 – – Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations................... 16.33 26.2 16.33 26.2 – – Production occupations.............................................. 15.62 11.5 15.62 11.5 – – Transportation and material moving occupations...................... 13.95 14.6 14.40 14.1 – – 1 Earnings are the straight-time hourly wages or salaries paid to employees. They include incentive pay, cost-of-living adjustments, and hazard pay. Excluded are premium pay for overtime, vacations, holidays, nonproduction bonuses, and tips. The mean is computed by totaling the pay of all workers and dividing by the number of workers, weighted by hours. See appendix A for more information. 2 Employees are classified as working either a full-time or a part-time schedule based on the definition used by each establishment. Therefore, a worker with a 35-hour-per-week schedule might be considered a full-time employee in one establishment, but classified as part-time in another firm, where a 40-hour week is the minimum full-time schedule. 3 Each occupation for which data are collected in an establishment is evaluated based on four factors, including knowledge, job controls and complexity, contacts, and physical environment. The knowledge factor is tailored to 24 families of closely related jobs. Points are assigned based on the occupation's rank within each factor. The points are summed to determine the overall level of the occupation. See appendix A for more information. 4 Workers are classified by occupation using the 2000 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. See appendix B for more information. 5 The relative standard error (RSE) is the standard error expressed as a percent of the estimate. It can be used to calculate a "confidence interval" around a sample estimate. For more information about RSEs, see appendix A. NOTE: Dashes indicate that no data were reported or that data did not meet publication criteria. Overall occupational groups may include data for categories not shown separately Table 3. Private industry workers: Mean hourly earnings(1) for full-time and part-time workers(2) by work levels(3), Monroe, LA, March 2010 Total Full-time workers Part-time workers Occupation(4) and level Relative Relative Relative Mean error(5) Mean error(5) Mean error(5) (percent) (percent) (percent) All workers........................................................... $16.07 6.4 $16.93 5.5 $11.57 23.2 Management occupations.............................................. 28.73 20.2 – – – – Business and financial operations occupations....................... 18.47 23.7 18.47 23.7 – – Healthcare practitioner and technical occupations................... 24.54 5.0 23.60 5.8 29.31 7.9 Level 8 .................................................. 25.44 2.3 25.37 2.6 – – Registered nurses................................................. 26.68 3.3 – – – – Food preparation and serving related occupations.................... 6.05 5.7 – – 5.81 .0 Sales and related occupations....................................... 15.75 20.2 18.89 19.8 7.99 2.3 Retail sales workers.............................................. 10.63 13.9 – – 7.99 2.3 Cashiers, all workers........................................... 8.87 8.1 – – – – Cashiers...................................................... 8.87 8.1 – – – – Retail salespersons............................................. 9.02 10.9 – – – – Office and administrative support occupations....................... 11.34 3.4 11.54 3.5 – – Level 3 .................................................. 10.11 1.5 10.21 1.5 – – Not able to be leveled.................................... 12.55 1.4 12.82 1.1 – – Customer service representatives.................................. 11.65 4.5 11.76 5.0 – – Not able to be leveled.................................... 12.22 3.6 12.50 2.1 – – Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations................... 16.67 30.0 16.67 30.0 – – Production occupations.............................................. 15.54 11.8 15.54 11.8 – – Transportation and material moving occupations...................... 14.30 20.4 – – – – 1 Earnings are the straight-time hourly wages or salaries paid to employees. They include incentive pay, cost-of-living adjustments, and hazard pay. Excluded are premium pay for overtime, vacations, holidays, nonproduction bonuses, and tips. The mean is computed by totaling the pay of all workers and dividing by the number of workers, weighted by hours. See appendix A for more information. 2 Employees are classified as working either a full-time or a part-time schedule based on the definition used by each establishment. Therefore, a worker with a 35-hour-per-week schedule might be considered a full-time employee in one establishment, but classified as part-time in another firm, where a 40-hour week is the minimum full-time schedule. 3 Each occupation for which data are collected in an establishment is evaluated based on four factors, including knowledge, job controls and complexity, contacts, and physical environment. The knowledge factor is tailored to 24 families of closely related jobs. Points are assigned based on the occupation's rank within each factor. The points are summed to determine the overall level of the occupation. See appendix A for more information. 4 Workers are classified by occupation using the 2000 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. See appendix B for more information. 5 The relative standard error (RSE) is the standard error expressed as a percent of the estimate. It can be used to calculate a "confidence interval" around a sample estimate. For more information about RSEs, see appendix A. Table 4. State and local government workers: Mean hourly earnings(1) for full-time and part-time workers(2) by work levels(3), Monroe, LA, March 2010 Total Full-time workers Part-time workers Occupation(4) and level Relative Relative Relative Mean error(5) Mean error(5) Mean error(5) (percent) (percent) (percent) All workers........................................................... $18.06 5.0 $18.67 5.1 $10.15 7.5 Education, training, and library occupations........................ 37.30 7.5 – – – – Protective service occupations...................................... 17.78 11.7 18.40 12.3 – – Level 6 .................................................. 17.10 23.0 17.10 23.0 – – Police officers................................................... 21.51 .6 21.91 .5 – – Police and sheriff's patrol officers............................ 21.51 .6 21.91 .5 – – Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations........... 12.89 11.1 12.89 11.1 – – Office and administrative support occupations....................... 14.99 5.5 16.29 4.5 – – Level 5 .................................................. 17.87 6.4 17.87 6.4 – – Office clerks, general............................................ 13.62 5.1 13.62 5.1 – – Construction and extraction occupations............................. 14.12 10.3 14.12 10.3 – – Transportation and material moving occupations...................... 13.19 5.8 13.57 5.6 – – 1 Earnings are the straight-time hourly wages or salaries paid to employees. They include incentive pay, cost-of-living adjustments, and hazard pay. Excluded are premium pay for overtime, vacations, holidays, nonproduction bonuses, and tips. The mean is computed by totaling the pay of all workers and dividing by the number of workers, weighted by hours. See appendix A for more information. 2 Employees are classified as working either a full-time or a part-time schedule based on the definition used by each establishment. Therefore, a worker with a 35-hour-per-week schedule might be considered a full-time employee in one establishment, but classified as part-time in another firm, where a 40-hour week is the minimum full-time schedule. 3 Each occupation for which data are collected in an establishment is evaluated based on four factors, including knowledge, job controls and complexity, contacts, and physical environment. The knowledge factor is tailored to 24 families of closely related jobs. Points are assigned based on the occupation's rank within each factor. The points are summed to determine the overall level of the occupation. See appendix A for more information. 4 Workers are classified by occupation using the 2000 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. See appendix B for more information. 5 The relative standard error (RSE) is the standard error expressed as a percent of the estimate. It can be used to calculate a "confidence interval" around a sample estimate. For more information about RSEs, see appendix A. Table 5. Civilian workers: Hourly wage percentiles(1), Monroe, LA, March 2010 Occupation(2) 10 25 Median 75 90 50 All workers........................................................... $7.86 $10.00 $14.56 $19.33 $28.16 Management occupations.............................................. 14.18 20.50 24.77 42.49 48.19 Business and financial operations occupations....................... 12.36 14.14 20.60 28.45 29.49 Education, training, and library occupations........................ 10.26 10.82 13.81 29.40 45.66 Healthcare practitioner and technical occupations................... 15.39 18.60 22.53 27.97 32.58 Registered nurses................................................. 19.30 20.55 26.00 30.35 34.00 Healthcare support occupations...................................... 7.61 7.86 8.17 9.77 12.21 Protective service occupations...................................... 10.13 13.09 18.70 22.29 25.07 Police officers................................................... 15.34 20.94 22.29 25.07 25.07 Police and sheriff's patrol officers............................ 15.34 20.94 22.29 25.07 25.07 Food preparation and serving related occupations.................... 2.15 6.26 6.26 7.25 9.67 Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations........... 8.25 8.25 12.94 14.56 14.85 Building cleaning workers......................................... 7.62 8.25 8.25 9.97 10.95 Personal care and service occupations............................... 7.55 7.75 8.59 9.47 12.53 Sales and related occupations....................................... 7.47 8.50 12.41 18.12 32.02 Retail sales workers.............................................. 7.25 8.15 9.60 11.45 16.80 Cashiers, all workers........................................... 7.25 8.00 8.50 9.60 11.45 Cashiers...................................................... 7.25 8.00 8.50 9.60 11.45 Retail salespersons............................................. 7.25 7.50 9.36 10.00 10.00 Office and administrative support occupations....................... 8.25 9.40 11.12 14.00 16.50 Customer service representatives.................................. 8.50 9.60 11.47 13.07 14.51 Office clerks, general............................................ 8.29 9.11 11.00 13.87 16.59 Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations................... 7.50 8.00 13.28 24.46 28.16 Production occupations.............................................. 9.00 11.70 16.85 20.38 20.58 Transportation and material moving occupations...................... 8.54 8.94 14.23 19.22 19.33 1 Percentiles designate position in the earnings distribution and are calculated from individual-worker earnings and the hours they are scheduled to work. At the 50th percentile, the median, half of the hours are paid the same as or more than the rate shown, and half are paid the same as or less than the rate shown. At the 25th percentile, one-fourth of the hours are paid the same as or less than the rate shown. At the 75th percentile, one-fourth are paid the same as or more than the rate shown. The 10th and 90th percentiles follow the same logic. Hourly wages are the straight-time wages or salaries paid to employees. They include incentive pay, cost-of-living adjustments, and hazard pay. Excluded are premium pay for overtime, vacations, and holidays; nonproduction bonuses; and tips. 2 Workers are classified by occupation using the 2000 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. See appendix B for more information. Table 6. Private industry workers: Hourly wage percentiles(1), Monroe, LA, March 2010 Occupation(2) 10 25 Median 75 90 50 All workers........................................................... $7.61 $9.49 $14.42 $19.29 $28.16 Management occupations.............................................. 14.18 20.50 24.77 42.49 48.19 Business and financial operations occupations....................... 12.02 12.48 20.60 20.60 28.45 Healthcare practitioner and technical occupations................... 16.11 19.68 24.06 28.25 34.59 Registered nurses................................................. 18.90 20.55 26.00 30.00 34.00 Food preparation and serving related occupations.................... 2.15 6.26 6.26 6.26 8.96 Sales and related occupations....................................... 7.47 8.70 13.20 18.12 32.02 Retail sales workers.............................................. 7.25 8.00 10.00 11.45 16.80 Cashiers, all workers........................................... 7.25 8.00 8.40 9.60 11.45 Cashiers...................................................... 7.25 8.00 8.40 9.60 11.45 Retail salespersons............................................. 7.25 7.50 9.36 10.00 10.00 Office and administrative support occupations....................... 8.14 9.00 10.69 13.00 14.86 Customer service representatives.................................. 8.50 9.60 11.47 13.15 14.54 Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations................... 7.50 8.00 11.90 24.46 28.16 Production occupations.............................................. 9.00 10.50 16.85 20.38 20.58 Transportation and material moving occupations...................... 8.54 8.54 16.19 19.22 19.33 1 Percentiles designate position in the earnings distribution and are calculated from individual-worker earnings and the hours they are scheduled to work. At the 50th percentile, the median, half of the hours are paid the same as or more than the rate shown, and half are paid the same as or less than the rate shown. At the 25th percentile, one-fourth of the hours are paid the same as or less than the rate shown. At the 75th percentile, one-fourth are paid the same as or more than the rate shown. The 10th and 90th percentiles follow the same logic. Hourly wages are the straight-time wages or salaries paid to employees. They include incentive pay, cost-of-living adjustments, and hazard pay. Excluded are premium pay for overtime, vacations, and holidays; nonproduction bonuses; and tips. 2 Workers are classified by occupation using the 2000 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. See appendix B for more information. Table 7. State and local government workers: Hourly wage percentiles(1), Monroe, LA, March 2010 Occupation(2) 10 25 Median 75 90 50 All workers........................................................... $8.66 $11.66 $14.99 $20.94 $29.49 Education, training, and library occupations........................ 10.00 24.39 39.71 45.69 61.73 Protective service occupations...................................... 10.13 13.06 17.72 22.29 25.07 Police officers................................................... 15.34 20.94 22.29 25.07 25.07 Police and sheriff's patrol officers............................ 15.34 20.94 22.29 25.07 25.07 Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations........... 7.62 10.13 12.94 14.85 20.89 Office and administrative support occupations....................... 8.66 11.48 15.58 17.35 20.87 Office clerks, general............................................ 10.47 11.48 13.78 14.99 17.35 Construction and extraction occupations............................. 10.00 12.11 14.13 18.20 18.20 Transportation and material moving occupations...................... 8.94 11.55 14.23 14.92 16.60 1 Percentiles designate position in the earnings distribution and are calculated from individual-worker earnings and the hours they are scheduled to work. At the 50th percentile, the median, half of the hours are paid the same as or more than the rate shown, and half are paid the same as or less than the rate shown. At the 25th percentile, one-fourth of the hours are paid the same as or less than the rate shown. At the 75th percentile, one-fourth are paid the same as or more than the rate shown. The 10th and 90th percentiles follow the same logic. Hourly wages are the straight-time wages or salaries paid to employees. They include incentive pay, cost-of-living adjustments, and hazard pay. Excluded are premium pay for overtime, vacations, and holidays; nonproduction bonuses; and tips. 2 Workers are classified by occupation using the 2000 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. See appendix B for more information. Table 8. Full-time(1) civilian workers: Mean and median hourly, weekly, and annual earnings and mean weekly and annual hours, Monroe, LA, March 2010 Hourly earnings(3) Weekly earnings(4) Annual earnings(5) Occupation(2) Mean Mean Mean Median Mean Median weekly Mean Median annual hours hours All workers........................................................... $17.29 $15.30 $680 $582 39.3 $34,696 $30,285 2,007 Management occupations.............................................. 30.56 23.52 1,222 941 40.0 63,555 48,926 2,080 Business and financial operations occupations....................... 21.08 20.60 843 824 40.0 43,840 42,848 2,080 Community and social services occupations........................... 19.86 23.60 794 944 40.0 41,303 49,088 2,080 Healthcare practitioner and technical occupations................... 22.82 22.03 928 864 40.7 48,271 44,928 2,116 Protective service occupations...................................... 18.40 20.23 774 809 42.1 40,242 42,068 2,187 Police officers................................................... 21.91 22.29 883 891 40.3 45,916 46,357 2,095 Police and sheriff's patrol officers............................ 21.91 22.29 883 891 40.3 45,916 46,357 2,095 Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations........... 12.17 12.94 487 518 40.0 25,309 26,915 2,080 Building cleaning workers......................................... 9.18 8.25 367 330 40.0 19,097 17,160 2,080 Sales and related occupations....................................... 18.34 16.80 770 698 42.0 40,034 36,296 2,183 Retail sales workers.............................................. 12.49 10.45 529 400 42.4 27,521 20,800 2,204 Office and administrative support occupations....................... 12.34 11.54 494 462 40.0 25,663 24,003 2,080 Customer service representatives.................................. 11.76 11.47 470 459 40.0 24,460 23,853 2,080 Office clerks, general............................................ 11.91 11.00 476 440 40.0 24,770 22,880 2,080 Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations................... 16.33 13.28 677 547 41.5 35,203 28,428 2,156 Production occupations.............................................. 15.62 16.85 614 674 39.3 31,931 35,048 2,044 Transportation and material moving occupations...................... 14.40 15.65 571 610 39.6 29,398 31,346 2,042 1 Employees are classified as working either a full-time or a part-time schedule based on the definition used by each establishment. Therefore, a worker with a 35-hour-per-week schedule might be considered a full-time employee in one establishment, but classified as part-time in another firm, where a 40-hour week is the minimum full-time schedule. 2 Workers are classified by occupation using the 2000 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. See appendix B for more information. 3 Earnings are the straight-time hourly wages or salaries paid to employees. They include incentive pay, cost-of-living adjustments, and hazard pay. Excluded are premium pay for overtime, vacations, holidays, nonproduction bonuses, and tips. The mean is computed by totaling the pay of all workers and dividing by the number of workers, weighted by hours. See appendix A for more information. 4 Mean weekly earnings are the straight-time weekly wages or salaries paid to employees. Median weekly earnings designates position - one-half of the hours are paid the same as or more than the rate shown. Mean weekly hours are the hours an employee is scheduled to work in a week, exclusive of overtime. 5 Mean annual earnings are the straight-time annual wages or salaries paid to employees. Median annual earnings designates position - one-half of the hours are paid the same as or more than the rate shown. Mean annual hours are the hours an employee is scheduled to work in a year, exclusive of overtime. SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Compensation Survey. NOTE: Dashes indicate that no data were reported or that data did not meet publication criteria. Overall occupational groups may include data for categories not shown separately Table 9. Full-time(1) private industry workers: Mean and median hourly, weekly, and annual earnings and mean weekly and annual hours, Monroe, LA, March 2010 Hourly earnings(3) Weekly earnings(4) Annual earnings(5) Occupation(2) Mean Mean Mean Median Mean Median weekly Mean Median annual hours hours All workers........................................................... $16.93 $15.12 $664 $576 39.2 $34,134 $29,710 2,017 Business and financial operations occupations....................... 18.47 20.60 739 824 40.0 38,428 42,848 2,080 Healthcare practitioner and technical occupations................... 23.60 22.53 963 901 40.8 50,101 46,862 2,123 Sales and related occupations....................................... 18.89 16.80 796 840 42.1 41,370 43,690 2,190 Office and administrative support occupations....................... 11.54 11.00 462 440 40.0 24,004 22,880 2,080 Customer service representatives.................................. 11.76 11.47 470 459 40.0 24,460 23,853 2,080 Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations................... 16.67 11.90 694 547 41.6 36,097 28,428 2,166 Production occupations.............................................. 15.54 16.85 611 674 39.3 31,761 35,048 2,043 1 Employees are classified as working either a full-time or a part-time schedule based on the definition used by each establishment. Therefore, a worker with a 35-hour-per-week schedule might be considered a full-time employee in one establishment, but classified as part-time in another firm, where a 40-hour week is the minimum full-time schedule. 2 Workers are classified by occupation using the 2000 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. See appendix B for more information. 3 Earnings are the straight-time hourly wages or salaries paid to employees. They include incentive pay, cost-of-living adjustments, and hazard pay. Excluded are premium pay for overtime, vacations, holidays, nonproduction bonuses, and tips. The mean is computed by totaling the pay of all workers and dividing by the number of workers, weighted by hours. See appendix A for more information. 4 Mean weekly earnings are the straight-time weekly wages or salaries paid to employees. Median weekly earnings designates position - one-half of the hours are paid the same as or more than the rate shown. Mean weekly hours are the hours an employee is scheduled to work in a week, exclusive of overtime. 5 Mean annual earnings are the straight-time annual wages or salaries paid to employees. Median annual earnings designates position - one-half of the hours are paid the same as or more than the rate shown. Mean annual hours are the hours an employee is scheduled to work in a year, exclusive of overtime. SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Compensation Survey. NOTE: Dashes indicate that no data were reported or that data did not meet publication criteria. Overall occupational groups may include data for categories not shown separately Table 10. Full-time(1) State and local government workers: Mean and median hourly, weekly, and annual earnings and mean weekly and annual hours, Monroe, LA, March 2010 Hourly earnings(3) Weekly earnings(4) Annual earnings(5) Occupation(2) Mean Mean Mean Median Mean Median weekly Mean Median annual hours hours All workers........................................................... $18.67 $15.65 $741 $639 39.7 $36,813 $33,550 1,971 Protective service occupations...................................... 18.40 20.23 774 809 42.1 40,242 42,068 2,187 Police officers................................................... 21.91 22.29 883 891 40.3 45,916 46,357 2,095 Police and sheriff's patrol officers............................ 21.91 22.29 883 891 40.3 45,916 46,357 2,095 Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations........... 12.89 12.94 516 518 40.0 26,819 26,915 2,080 Office and administrative support occupations....................... 16.29 16.54 652 662 40.1 33,921 34,403 2,083 Office clerks, general............................................ 13.62 13.78 545 551 40.0 28,333 28,662 2,080 Construction and extraction occupations............................. 14.12 14.13 565 565 40.0 29,360 29,390 2,080 Transportation and material moving occupations...................... 13.57 14.23 537 569 39.6 27,101 29,598 1,998 1 Employees are classified as working either a full-time or a part-time schedule based on the definition used by each establishment. Therefore, a worker with a 35-hour-per-week schedule might be considered a full-time employee in one establishment, but classified as part-time in another firm, where a 40-hour week is the minimum full-time schedule. 2 Workers are classified by occupation using the 2000 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. See appendix B for more information. 3 Earnings are the straight-time hourly wages or salaries paid to employees. They include incentive pay, cost-of-living adjustments, and hazard pay. Excluded are premium pay for overtime, vacations, holidays, nonproduction bonuses, and tips. The mean is computed by totaling the pay of all workers and dividing by the number of workers, weighted by hours. See appendix A for more information. 4 Mean weekly earnings are the straight-time weekly wages or salaries paid to employees. Median weekly earnings designates position - one-half of the hours are paid the same as or more than the rate shown. Mean weekly hours are the hours an employee is scheduled to work in a week, exclusive of overtime. 5 Mean annual earnings are the straight-time annual wages or salaries paid to employees. Median annual earnings designates position - one-half of the hours are paid the same as or more than the rate shown. Mean annual hours are the hours an employee is scheduled to work in a year, exclusive of overtime. SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Compensation Survey. NOTE: Dashes indicate that no data were reported or that data did not meet publication criteria. Overall occupational groups may include data for categories not shown separately